1-A Witnesses Choir Teachers Power!

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Y/n held his hand over his eyes, 'Shit... That took alot out of me...' he already felt exhausted and it was the start of the day. Thankfully his choir class was over. He sighed thinking to himself, 'When I get home I'm taking a long nap...'

Shaking his head, he took in a deep breath, ready to see the kids from the hero course, Class 1-A. He smiled, "They're so talented, this'll surely be fun!" He spoke to himself, trying to hype himself up. Excitement rushedthrough his veins. He got out of his seat and walked down to where 1-A was. Before his class had ended Aizawa had given him a visit.

"Here take this," Aizawa stated emotionless, handing Y/n a little sticky note with writing on it. Y/n tilted his head, "What's this-?"

"Nedzu told me to give this to you, he wants you to help out All Might today," He somewhat cut him off, Y/n nodded taking the note, all it had on it was a 'Good luck' with a smiley face.

Y/n smiled brightly, "Thank you, Aizawa!" He rolled his eyes slightly in response, "Yeah, whatever, just make sure you're there on time, otherwise I'll have to fill in..." and with that he left Y/n in his office.

"Weirdly enough this note is kind of helping me with my nerves," He muttered a bit dejectedly. As he continued walking he heard the familiar boisterous voice. He smiled, walking up to the door before knocking politely.

"Ah, that must be him now! Come on in Mr. (L/n)!" He heard All Might's muffled voice through the door, and opened the door entering the room. He walked up to the front and waved at the students, "Hey guys, good to see you all again! I'll be helping out All Might today with training you guys," The kids looked at him with a confused look, he wasn't a gigantic guy, he wasn't really muscular, how was he going to help that class out?

"Yes! he will be teaching you all a very important lesson today, now,' He paused for effect, "to the courtyard!"*

So they left one by one out to the back doors like Aizawa and (Y/n) did the other day. Once outside All Might and Y/n stood in front of the class, "Now, I know there are students in here with some particularly different quirks besides brute strength, which is why I will demonstrate that you don't need force to win," Y/n stated turning to All Might, and he did the same. All Might bent his knees slightly looking ready to pounce.

The students gasped, amongst the young crowd were "Is he really gonna fight All Might?!"

"He's gonna get himself killed!!"

"All Might wouldn't kill him dummy!"

"Well still he might get hurt, this is All Might we're talking about you guys!"

"Whenever you're ready, Y/n," His voice lowering to a deafeningly dangerous voice. Of course he would never intentionally hurt him, but he needed to fight him either way. Y/n gulped silently.

All Might launched at him, Y/n's eyes widened, he tried to jump out of the way, but All Might wasn't letting that happen. He grabbed Y/n and threw him to the ground, not with all of his might mind you, but it was a pretty brute force. Y/n got up 'just... one note..' All Might was about to pounce again, but was stopped, a soft voice came out of his opponent, "I heard there was a secret chord," All Might froze, the other students perked up quirking an eyebrow not exactly knowing what he was saying, "That David played, and it pleased the Lord, but you don't really care for music," He looked up at All Might, "Do ya?"

All Might stood straight, feeling a pang in his heart, 'Wha-what is this?' He went to move again, "Well it goes like this, the forth," his voice crescendo "the fifth, the minor fall, that major lift," He closed his eye getting lost in the song, "The baffled king composing, Hallelujah" His voice became louder and louder as he sang. All Might dropped to his knees midway of the song, breathing heavily.

His voice carried, he sung higher and higher, and hit the low notes, making the melody sweet, yet it sounded so heartbreaking, "Maybe there's a God above," He walked closer, "but all I've ever learned from love, was how to shoot somebody, who outdrew ya," he huffed at the irony. All Might stood still on one knee, trying to keep his tears in, he knew this song, he knew how sad this song was, but hearing (L/n) sing it, it sounded heart shattering.

Y/n finished the last chord, and finally made his way to All Might before sticking out his hand. All Might looked up at him, there were no tears, but Y/n could tell he might have been crying, just a bit. He felt bad for making him feel sad, but then again it was a part of the lesson. All Might took his hand and stood up staring at him, amazed.

Y/n gazed back and smiled shyly, then turned to the students, slipping his hand out of All Might's, which in turn snapped him out of his gaze. The students stood in awe of what they had witnessed, they thought he was going to get his ass kicked, but (L/n) brought All Might to his knees with a song.

"H-how..." One stuttered out. Y/n rubbed the back of his head, "Well, you guys already know what my quirk is, remember? It deals with emotion. I chose a sad song and used that to bring my opponent down," (L/n) pointed out, "Now the nitty gritty part is, is that it has to effect the person by striking a chord with them, for example, All Might is known to love citizens and he is very passionate, so I chose a passionate song, yes it might have been about a relationship, but it was still about love, and many people take this song in different ways, so... yeah..." He muttered at the end, trailing off.

Most of the students stood, paralyzed with fear. Someone, this teacher, who didn't even have a strength type quirk, brought All Might down, and with a song?! Then again some knew that being hurt mentally can take longer to heal than a physical scare, although it was not (L/n)'s intention to hurt All Might. All Might was giving his all so (L/n) thought he should too.

All Might cleared his throat, "This is the reason why you should never underestimate your opponent! You never know what they might do, and being a great hero doesn't mean you have to have a brutally strong quirk, you just need to know how to harness it!" The students lit up one by one feeling inspired by (L/n).

"What a load of bullshit..." Y/n and All Might turned to the voice, a young man stood with his arms crossed, a glare set upon his face.

"Young Bakugou-"

"Oh can it All Might! You really think I'd believe that shit?! You guys were faking this just to make these extras feel better," Bakugou turned to Y/n, "You're not a great hero, hell I've never even heard about you, your quirk is shitty, and weak, you. are. weak," Y/n froze up, trying not to show emotion, he had heard those words before, but not exactly in the context of his quirk.

Yeah there were times he was doubted, but he had proven his quirk was good enough. All Might saw Y/n out of the corner of his eye, "Bakugou, that is enough!"

Y/n took in a deep breath before excusing himself, walking towards his office, to hide away in solace. The students glared at Bakugou telling him that it was uncalled for. Bakugou screamed back at them.

"Alright that's enough, for now I must ask you all to go back to the classroom," A resounding, "Yes sir" came from the class as they flowed back into the school. All Might followed not too far behind, looking towards where Y/n's office lay. 'I'll have to pay him a visit later...'

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