Waking Up to a Familiar Face

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Toshinori groaned, starting to wake up slightly, his eyes remained closed, cuddling into a....warmth? His eyes squinted open, looking around, before looking down and spotting, '(L/N)?!' His face flushed completely red as he held back a cough, not wanting to wake him up, for he feared that if he did, (Y/n) would not take too kind to the man cuddling up to him. Fate was not so kind though, as the smaller man, tucked away into the safety of his arms, started to mutter and fidget.

Toshinori panicked a bit, but didn't move. He was silently hoping it was just a dream, but the flutter of the man's eyes said differently. (Y/n) yawned and snuggled into Toshinori's chest.

Toshinori tried to keep calm, but it was useless, his heart rate shot up, the thudding worsened by the second. (Y/n) looked around, like Toshinori did, feeling a bit confused, before looking up, and meeting eyes with Toshinori. He yelped, "Y-Yagi!" Toshinori flinched, "I-I'm so sorry I-" He started to freak out, (Y/n) caught on quickly and stopped him by hugging him.

Toshinori stopped looking down at him, the blush still covering his face. (Y/n) muttered into his chest, "I-it's fine... It was an accident..." He stopped. Toshinori felt a slight disappointment when he said it was an accident, but for what reason, he didn't know. (Y/n) continued on, "B-besides, that was... honestly the best sleep I've had in years," He smiled up at him, a tint of embarrassment on his face as he admitted. Toshinori calmed down a bit at the genuineness in his voice, he sat up, (Y/n) sitting up with him, "Well, I guess we should get ready for the day huh?" He stood up holding out a hand to him.

(Y/n) took his hand, his smile not leaving, yet his blush increased, and he didn't understand why. Yeah they were both a bit blonde, ditzy, whatever you want to call them, but you can't blame them, they have been through alot in their life, plus they were just that way. (Y/n) was pulled up off the couch. (Y/n) showed him where the bathroom was and where everything he would need would be. (Y/n) stood for a second pondering, 'Although, I don't have anything for him to...wear...' He scratched his head, "Dammit..." For now he brushed it off and went into the kitchen, and started to cook breakfast.

Meanwhile Toshinori had to acquaint himself with the shower, which wasn't too different from his own. He had already shed his clothes, before stepping into the warm water, spraying lightly onto him. He sighed, running his hands through his hair, trying not to look down at all.

He hated looking down to see the disgusting scar on his body, it was a constant reminder to him that no one would ever like, hell even love someone like him. That he would never be the same man he once was.

Though he couldn't help but want love, and wished to be what he used to be, which made him suffer more. The red, angry tissue sticking out, like it was screaming at him, and how ugly he was. He shuttered, closing his eyes, trying to keep it together, but the self loathing comments couldn't be held back.

He took a hold of himself, wrapping his gangly arms around, almost all the way too. He crouched down, as he silently sobbed, his tears mixing in with the water running down his face. His thoughts were scrambled. The only thing he could hear was his own thoughts and the pitter patter of the water rushing down and around his body, 'Dammit...DAMMIT...' He sighed standing up, and continuing to wash himself.

Y/n finally finished breakfast, the food that sat around the table smelt wonderful, it started to gently waft throughout the apartment, and soon after Toshinori emerged from the bathroom, "U-um sorry I don't have any clothes..."

Y/n almost dropped the plate in his hand as he stared at Toshinori, with a towel wrapped around him, trying to cover his scar of course. Y/n gulped looking away, "N-No that's my fault! I-I'll try to find something to fit you!" He walked quickly into his room and closed the door sliding down it, "Oh my goodness..."

"Shit... Good job Toshinori, he probably thinks you're a pervert..."








"Why am I blushing so much?!"

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now