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Toshinori groaned as he slammed his hand on the annoying alarm clock. 'God, I hate that thing sometimes ...' he sighed loudly, 'Oh well, time to get ready for the day.'

Today was the first day of school for UA, and the first day of school for not just him teaching but for his student Midoriya. He was very proud that he had passed and gotten in the school, even if it was just barely. He still couldn't help but feel pride flood his system that the young man he met all those months ago, was now on his way to become a pro-hero.

He drug himself out of bed stretching slowly trying not to hurt himself, he wasn't as young as he used to be. Not that he was old, but he definitely thinks himself as an old man. He trudged towards the bathroom, dragging his feet and rubbing his eyes. He turned on the water, and once it was at the right temperature, he hopped in. He sighed once more running a hand through his wiry hair, starting to scrub at it.

'Jeez I wish I had the hair I used to, much easier to clean back then,' He joked to himself. He continued to wash the rest of his hair and body. He turned the water off and dried himself off, stopping in front of the mirror, "Damn Toshinori... you look like shit," He said solemnly to himself, focusing on his dark circles and sunken eyes. His eyes wandered down his figure, stopping at his red scar, which occasionally acted up. His large hand covered it as he shook his head, "You've really done a number on yourself, haven't you?"

'Dammit that's enough, you've got a job to do! Dumbass,' Now trying to clear his bad thoughts out of his mind he slipped into his hero costume and bulked up. Before heading out the door he looked into the mirror, "Show time!"

He snuck out of the building as best he could, making sure no one was around, before jumping into the air laughing loudly. 'This was what life should feel like,' he thought. He loved this feeling, the wind rushing through his bangs. It felt like freedom from everything, even from being a hero.

A hop, skip, and a jump and he had made it to UA. He gazed up at it, a rush of adrenaline pumping through his veins, "UA... what a wonderful experience this was in my youth," His wide smile softened, "Now I get to experience it, one more time! What an honor!"

He stepped into the building, the tall gates allowing him through. This was it. Well, almost. Since it had been a while, it took him a hot second to find the teachers meeting room. It took some talking to people, most freaking out seeing him there, but finally he made it. He stood outside the door waiting for Nedzu's signal.

"Hello everyone!" Nedzu spoke happily, again standing on top of the desks.

"Good morning sir" the teachers chimed in, All might gazed in through the small window in the door, looked like most of the teachers that he knew of were there.

"I am glad to see you all today. I know this is a very exciting day. Now without further adieu, let me introduce our new teacher! All Might, come on in!"

There it was. He opened the door and loudly boasted, "Hello everyone! I am here! I can't wait to start working with you all!"

Everyone greeted him, most with shining eyes, some with tears (weirdly enough), and of course Aizawa in his seat, scowling like usual.

"Now it's time to talk about what we-"

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" A male voice called out. All Might turned around seeing a smaller male standing in the doorway, looking winded.

"Ah, (Y/n), there you are! I was starting to worry where you were," Nedzu sighed in relief. (Y/n) scuttled over to his seat, his head turned down slightly in embarrassment, "Sorry about that. I was on the way to work and there was this big traffic jam! When I asked someone nearby they told me there was this villain..."

All Might started to zone out, staring at the small male, he couldn't say exactly why, but he was definitely intrigued by him. His (body type), his bright (e/c) eyes, his voice. It enraptured him, but why? Damn he can't be developing some sort of crush on him already!

'Damn Toshinori you really are an old perv!'

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're okay (Y/n)" Nedzu smiled. (Y/n), what a nice name. It rolled off the tongue well.

"Alright, so (Y/n), now that you're here I have a special job for you. For the first few days could you help out Aizawa and All Might with class 1- A?

(Y/n) stared in shock, he leaned forward, "But sir! I have my choir class to-" Nedzu held up a hand, cutting off (Y/n), "I'm not dismissing you from that duty, nor am I saying it is not important, however with this class I have a feeling that these students will need some extra attention," Nedzu reassured (Y/n). They all knew how much (Y/n) loved his class, and how much he cared about his students. He wouldn't give up his position for the world, and Nedzu knew this. He also knew that with these newbies it might be best if Aizawa (a crude asshole at times) to have a sweet teacher like (Y/n). As for All Might? It's because All Might had told him he wasn't too sure about his teaching skills.

(Y/n) sighed in relief and bowed respectfully, "Yes sir. Sorry for jumping to conclusions! I'd love to help them!"

Nedzu smiled and clapped his paws together, "Fantastic! Now off with you!" He waved them off. All Might watched closely as (Y/n) walked towards him, Aizawa walking behind him, glaring at All Might.

"All right boys, let's hop to it!" (Y/n) cheered.

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