A Little Fun

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Traffic, being the bitch it was, decided that it didn't want Y/n to show up on time. He looked down at the time, 8:25, 'Dammit... I won't make it to 8:30, I'm sorry guys, I'll be there soon!'

All the while, the three Musketeers, soon to be for (that being Midnight), stood by a table, sipping on some alcohol. Aizawa looked at the time, "Where the hell are they?" He grumbled, not one for liking people being late much. Hizashi scoffed, wrapping an arm around him he teased him, "Aw come on Aizawa, you don't know what might be happening," Aizawa rolled his eyes, making Toshinori chuckle at them, 'Just like an old couple," seconds later the bell at the door rang, and in came Midnight. She waved at them, "Sorry I'm late! Got caught up in work for a bit!"

The men waved it off, Midnight looked around, "Where's Y/n?" They shrugged, "We tried texting him, but he didn't text back...." Aizawa muttered, feeling slightly worried. Toshinori nodded feeling just the same, but Hizashi just waved it off, "Chill out guys! He's probably working on something, or caught up in traffic!" Aizawa turned to him frowning, "You do realize that the last time this happened he had another attack?!" He muttered angrily, "Who the hell knows what will happen this time," Hizashi thought about the last time, Y/n curled up in the corner, hyperventilating, muttering, saying the most ruthless of things about himself, and what he wanted to do. He shuttered, ding, Hizashi's smile came back, "Well he isn't, he just walked in the door!" They all turned, and there he was, his hair swept back, a button up that flattered him, along with smooth black pants, he radiated confidence. Toshinori gaped at him, he looked amazing in his eyes, that might have been the alcohol.... Or maybe it wasn't.

Aizawa smiled at him feeling relieved, then frowned once more when Hizashi leaned on him, "Heeey~ lookie who cleaned up well," Y/n chuckled bashfully. Midnight walked over greeting him with a hug, Y/n hugged back, then Midnight whispered, "I'm glad to see you here," he smiled, "You too," They let go and walked over to the table, sitting down. Hizashi took a seat at the head of the table, Aizawa beside him, and by him was Midnight. Across from her was Y/n, and lastly Toshinori sat between Y/n and Hizashi. They idly chatted for a bit before Hizashi got up, announcing he would get their drinks.

"I'll get some Whiskey," Aizawa mumbled, wanting something strong, but not super strong, "Ooh, I'll have a Pink Lady~" Midnight purred, crossing her ankles, next Toshinori spoke up, "Honestly anything will do for me," and last, but not least was Y/n who ordered (C/D). Hizashi shot finger guns at them and walked up to the bar, asking for what they wanted. Midnight sighed heavily, "I'm so glad it's the weekend, this whole year has been a strange one indeed," The others agreed, feeling calmer as well. A silence passed them, and after a bit Hizashi came back with their drinks. He held his drink up, "A toast," the others raised theirs up, "To each of us, for our hard work, and our vigilance in a time of need," Their glasses clinked and they drank.

They drank and drank, until they were dizzy and blushing, laughing at the stupidest things. Hizashi looking around, spotted a Karaoke machine in a corner, he smirked getting an idea. He looked over at Y/n, "Heyyyyyy Y/n!" The said man turned to him, quirking an eyebrow, "I see a karaokeee machiiiine~" Y/n shook his head, "No... No no..." Hizashi pouted, "Pleeeeeeease!!!! Cause ya love Mee?" He sighed, "Fine... Fine," he stood up and sauntered to the machine, looking through the songs. His eyes met one, and he looked up at Toshinori, smirking slightly, "Maybe this one will do."

Alright so someone asked if I could do a lemon, and I will write it if you guys really want it. Let me know please.

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant