Plan A

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Lez hyperventilated, her legs burning as she ran down the hallway. Her mind raced just as fast, if not more, 'The number one hero?! Dammit... Why am I running?!' Lez burst through the courtyard doors, the students around them spinning around at the commotion. The older students rolled their eyes, mumbling about "Rowdy students..."

Lez went to a corner, her friends following right behind. Lez took a shaky sigh, taking in deep shallow breaths. The other kids stood against the wall, "Lez! What was that?"

Another one pat Lez on the back, "Lez... are you sure?" She stood back up nodding, "I don't know how I didn't realize it before... I've heard his voice at least a million times!" She paced frustratingly back and forth. They shook their heads looking at each other. One stepped forwards, "Lez! Slow down! What's going on..."

"I-" Lez tried to speak before she was interrupted, "Hey Lez!" She looked over and saw a small pink skinned girl, her yellow eyes swirling with concern. She stopped pacing and turned to her, "Mina! Hey!"

Mina ran and gazed up at her, "Are you okay? I saw you running in the hall! You looked... off," Lez smiled gently, Mina had always been there for her, even when they were younger. Lez nodded, "I'm fine. Just something crazy happened..."

Mina tilted her head, "What's been going on?"

Lez sighed, "You know my choir teacher?"

"Mr. (L/n)?" She nodded again, "Well, we have a theory. You see this morning he came in looking flustered as hell, and right before he came in I heard someone with him. He wasn't sick or anything, we already ruled that out."

Mina's eyes lit up, she bounced on the balls of her heels, "Oh! Who is it?! Is it Mr. Aizawa? They've always seemed so close!"

Lez shook her head, "No it's..." She leaned down and whispered in her ear. Mina shot up, "WHA-" Lez covered her mouth looking around, smiling apologetically at the other students, "Not so loud, Mina. I don't want this getting out," Mina apologized as Lez took her hand off of her mouth, "So, what do we do?"

Lez quirked her eyebrow. Mina smiled brightly, "I wanna help out! Mr. (L/n) has always been there for others, and if All Might is his interest, and if All Might is also interested, then I think they'd be a great pair!"

Mina's words made Lez happy, knowing other students care about her teacher.

"Alright, then let's get to work!" Lez pumped her fist, the others cheering as well, "Here's the plan..."

Lez walked to (Y/n)'s office confidently. Just to make sure this was the guy, they had to test their theory. First, she had to go talk to (Y/n) and talk about All Might, and set up a "meeting" with the both of them. She strode down the hall and came up to the choir room and knocked on the door. (Y/n) sat at his desk, heard the knock and stood up, "Coming!" He opened the door, "Ah! Hey Lez, what are you doing here?"

Lez smiled, "Hey Mr. (L/n)! All Might sent me down to ask you about some sort of meeting?"

All the while as Lez was speaking to (Y/n), Mina skipped down the hallway to All Might's office. When she came to it she knocked sharply. The sound of a cough resounded on the other side of the door, then loud thumps. The door creaked open, revealing the tall man, "Ah, hello young Mina! What brings you here?"

Mina giggled, "Hiya All Might! I just wanted to let you know that Mr. (L/n) wanted me to ask you if you could meet with him?"

(Y/n)'s face was tinged pink, "Oh? I don't remember anything about a meeting.." He paused thinking back on their conversation from earlier on in the day. Nope, no meeting, "He never mentioned one to me now that I think about it..." Lez gulped, 'Shit... Keep it going...' Lez jut her hip out scratched her head, "Really? huh, well that's what he told us, eh maybe he was talking about someone else," Lez turned around walking towards the door, "Anyways, sorry for interrupting you (L/n) sensei, I'll be going now!"

"Wait, but..." He sighed, she left him feeling confused, "A meeting? Maybe I should ask him about this..."

Lez ran down the hall trying to find the others, which didn't take long, one of them came to her and shouted, "Yo Lez! How'd it go?"

Lez smirked, "Well, it's definitely safe to say he likes him!" The others cheered silently.

"Can't exactly blame him," Mina piped up, catching up with the group, "I mean it's All Might guys! He's loved by a hell-ova alot of people!" They all slowed down coming up to their next class, English, another student stopped, "True... but, that's still odd, he doesn't... really talk to anyone... much less someone like All Might."

(Y/n) was known for being a pretty shy person, he didn't talk much and when he did, he sometimes stuttered over himself and spoke softly. Even in his own class he wouldn't speak very loud. He doesn't even really yell at his kids to be quiet when they get too rowdy. Hell, if he was in any sort of spotlight he'd look like a tomato on fire. A good example was when his birthday came around, and the students and the staff decided to throw a surprise party for him, he was called into the gym, and when everyone congratulated him and shouted "Happy Birthday!" He froze up and melted to the floor. At first people thought he didn't like it, but he explained timidly that he had felt overwhelmed by the cheering. He wasn't exactly used to being given a good side in the spotlight, even as a hero, he was still trying to get used to it.

So him talking to a popular guy like All Might, who was loud at times, and had a knack for giving praise to people like throwing beads at mardi gras, was somewhat unthinkable, but the students thought it was sweet, and maybe he could get him out of his shell.

"Alright, we're gonna have to go... For now let's just play it cool. Mr. Hizashi is pretty close with Mr.(L/n), and we can't afford to let this plan slip up, now that we know who he likes," Lez stated, directing them, they all nodded and headed inside.

"AH, THERE YOU GUYS ARE! Where were you?" And there he stood at his podium raising one eyebrow at them, and scolding them in front of the class. Lez spoke up, "We were at Mr. (L/n)'s office talking to him, sorry sir!"

Hizashi looked suspicious, but blew it off for now, and continued the class. They did the usual pronunciation and sentence formation. Hizashi let them form in groups to help with their worksheet. Lez was grouped with a few of her friends and a green haired boy, 'wait a minute... that kid was the one talking to All Might! Maybe I can get his help too, somehow.'

"Hey you were talking to All Might earlier in the hallway, right?" He looked up at Lez tilting his head, "at lunch?" Lez gave him a bit more context.

"O-oh, you saw that huh?" He blushed slightly, Lez nodded, "Ah! Yeah that's me, why do you ask?"

Lez shrugged "All Might doesn't really call out kids, so what did you do?"

The kid waved his hands frantically, "O-oh! I-I wasn't really doing anything he just wanted to talk about... um my fighting style?" He started to sweat. Lez smirked "Is that so? Tell me green bean, what kind of fighting style do you have? What's your quirk?'

The boy started to freak out even more, "Eh, my quirk is kind of hard to explain, but I have more of a strength type quirk!" Lez nodded, it checked out, 'Makes sense as to why he was talking to him...' She stuck her hand out "Name's Lezlie, but you can just call me Lez for short."

"It's nice to meet you, Lez. Say what's your quirk?" The kid asked. She smiled feeling a bit prideful, "My quirk is a voice manipulation, I can take other peoples voices and memorize them then use that voice to somewhat hypnotize them into thinking I'm that person, the only downside is, is I have to hear that voice clearly, and the person can't see me or it won't work."

"That's so cool! " The boy started to ramble on about all of the "unique" things that could be done with this quirk. Lez stayed quiet as he talked on and on until Hizashi told him to quiet down, the boy clamped his hands over his face and blushed, "I'm s-so sorry sir..."

Lez chuckled, "Sorry ' bout that. What's your name kid?"

"Ah, Midoriya! Midoriya Izuku, but you can just call me by my alias, Deku!" He smiled.

Midoriya Izuku...

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