Mind Game

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The teachers gathered around in a small circle, containing Aizawa, Hizashi, Toshinori, and Midnight. Toshinori had deflated, his body wearing in the slightest way that made him feel uncomfortable, he wasn't hurting yet. Toshinori sighed in relief, "Thank goodness," he rubbed the growing knot in his shoulder, while he didn't do very much, it really did strain the poor guy a bit.

Midnight tilted her head concerned (motherly instincts kicking in, even if she was an 18+ hero, she was still a woman with intuition), "Are you okay?" Toshinori smiled a bit, raising his hand waving it, "Yeah, just a bit tense," The lady caressed her chin humming, "I think we're all kind of tense after all of that has happened," she looked up at the three, now four men, Y/n just joining in moments before, "Maybe we need to relieve that..." She muttered. Hizashi shouted "OH I KNOW!!!" Aizawa grumbled at his loud voice, "WHY DON'T WE ALL GO OUT FOR DRINKS TONIGHT!! I MEAN IT IS FRIDAY!" The teachers all looked at each other silently agreeing before Midnight poke up, "That's a great idea! Aizawa should be getting his casts off today anyways, so this should go wonderfully," Aizawa scowled behind his mummy like wardrobe.

"What time should we meet up?" Y/n finally spoke up for the first time, everyone stood for a moment thinking, "How about 8:30?" Toshinori piped up. They all started to nod muttering "Sounds good", "I'm free", and "Not doing anything then". Midnight clapped her hands together smiling happily, "Alright then it's settled! We'll meet at the usual place, it's by the mall," and there it was, plans for the band of five teachers to take a small break, the best part was no one knew what would happen. They all went their separate ways heading home for the day, waiting and getting ready for tonight's little celebration, a disconnection from the outer world to be with friends.

Y/n drove home feeling very excited about tonight, he drummed on the steering wheel, creeping through traffic, and before he knew it he was home. He stepped out of the car, then headed into his quaint little apartment. He looked around puffing air out slow, 'what to do until then...."

He walked to the kitchen, turning on the radio, some gentle old fashioned music (he guessed around 40s or 50s) played. He swayed throughout the house, getting an outfit laid out. He grabbed a comfortable button up with some nice black pants. Nodding at his work he smiled heading towards the shower. He took off his clothes, heading into the now warm sprinkling water. He sighed as it hit his skin, running his hands through his hair, closing his eyes. He sat for a moment embracing the warmth, before he opened his eyes again, and grabbed the shampoo. He washed his hair thoroughly, then washed his body.

After a few more minutes he got out wrapping his towel around his waist. He looked up seeing his half naked body in the mirror, his eyes met with the slightly red marks under his chest, he gulped trying to look away, but he couldn't. The echoes of his past antagonizers whispered harsh things, things he didn't want to imagine. He tore his eyes away, 'Weak...' he shook his head, 'Selfish...' "No...."

'You're a fraud....'

"No I'm not..." He growled, the thoughts became louder repeating themselves, "No, I'm not!" He looked into the mirror, meeting eyes with himself. He looked at himself questionably, the reflection glaring at him, "Come on, stop fooling yourself! You know they're right," his reflection scowled. He gasped, "What the hell?"

The reflection growled, "How could you lie?! You lied to your students, you lied to your friends! Hell you even lied to poor, sweet Toshinori..." The reflection smirked. Y/n tried to block it out, feeling the sense of dread all over again. He stopped, his eyes shit open to the mirror, "You're wrong..."

The reflection stopped smirking looking slightly pissed and confused. Y/n went on, "You are completely and utterly wrong, I didn't lie to anyone! I didn't lie to Toshinori, and most of my friends know about that, plus my students already have enough on their plate! I shouldn't be spouting my personal life!" The reflection tensed up, looking as if it was ready to pounce, "Shut up..."

"In fact I had the balls today to show Toshinori my scars! I'm opening up to him! My so called parents aren't right, I'm not a fraud, I'm not weak, I'm not a liar!"

"Shut up!" It started to shake. Y/n became bolder "In fact I'm brave for dealing with the shit in my head, I'm brave for sticking through yo the end, and I'm brave for telling others my story..." Y/n scowled, "You will not hurt me anymore, leave!!"

He gasped, his eyes open, looking back at himself. He moved around, waving his arms, his reflection doing the same, he sighed, feeling so much better.

He continued to get ready, putting on his clothes, doing his hair, and grabbing his wallet. Once he was done he opened the door, and took in a deep breath, "You can do this Y/n..." The door closed, a click sound rang out, and off Y/n went to the local bar, to hang out with his true friends.

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