Solitude and Sorrow

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Y/n sat in his office, trying to calm his breaths, 'I don't know if I can go back there during homeroom! What if he says something again, I can't just run away. Dammit, stupid panic attack...' Tears streamed down his face, his thoughts tracing back to his relapse, 'People say you can't choose your family, but I can't help but try to...'

"You're a disgrace!!""

"This is bullshit!"

"Dad said you're faking it"

"You're not a man!"

"You're so weak!"

Not a man!

Not a man!!


Faking it...






"SHUT UP!!!" Y/n screamed loudly. The teacher next door probably heard, but he paid no mind, sinking down as he continued to mutter, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" He sobbed, wrapping his arms around himself, clutching his sides, which he tried to hide, the curves and lumps. He wanted to rip them out. He did not hear the knocks of concern, the frantic "Y/n are you okay", he didn't hear the door open. All he heard was his own breath, and the vicious words that lingered from the past. Soon he passed out from stress.

Two strong arms picked him up, and carried him to the infirmary, questions popped up as some of the teachers witnessed another carrying Y/n, "What happened?"

"Is he okay?"

all the guy said was "I'm not sure, all I heard was him screaming and sobbing..."

Once the man reached the infirmary he tried to knock on the door gently with his foot, once it opened, Recovery girl recoiled, "Oh my goodness!" She moved out of the way, another set of curious and worried eyes settled upon Y/n "W- Vlad what happened?!" The scrawny man stood.

Vlad turned to the tall, concerned man, "I think he might've had a panic attack, I heard him scream, and when I got in he was crying and muttering to himself.." He explained, the man walked over, and set a gentle hand on Y/n's, "What was he muttering...?"

"I think he was saying... Shut up? Over and over again. At least that's what it sounded like..." Recovery girl sighed, "Was he hyperventilating?" Vlad nodded. Recovery girl told Vlad to go ahead and head back to his class, and said she would inform him about Y/n's well-being in a while. So he did, reluctantly, and left Y/n with the two. The man sighed, "This is my fault..."

Recovery girl looked at him, "What in the world do you mean Toshinori?"

He covered his face with his hand, "Today, we were trying to show the students that as long as you have a grasp at your power you can do incredible things, no matter what your quirk is. Honestly Y/n proved that, he brought me to my knees," He paused pinching between his eyebrows, "Although... one of my students said some... rather unsavory things, and I could tell it affected him," He paused, "I was going to go see him in a while, but... well he was already hurt.. I failed to save him from being hurt."

Recovery girl shook her head, "Toshinori, hush, now listen," She put her hands on her hips, Toshinori looked over at her shrinking just a bit, "There are alot of things you don't know about him yet. There are reasons why he hurts..." She looked down sadly, "It's not my place to tell you though, so... give him time, and when he's ready, he'll open up,"She turned away muttering quietly, "Maybe then he can get out of this sad solitude of his..."

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now