Fighting Who?!

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After about ten minutes Midoriya left, his hands almost fully healed, although a bit woozy, he was ready for his next battle. Toshinori and Y/n stayed for a bit longer, just to relax. Y/n stood and smiled "I feel like I should head back out there, I'll see you later?" He asked Toshinori, who shook his head, "I can go with, besides Midoriya's fight should be coming up soon, I want to see some other students in action!" He spoke with excitement, and he held the same spark of determination in his eyes. Y/n smiled back, rolling his eyes playfully, "Alright, let's go Blondie," he smirked mischievously, Toshinori's jaw slightly dropped at the slight sassiness the smaller man held in the palm of his hand.

"This is definitely a new side of you," he chuckled, "I kinda like it," Y/n blushed and scoffed, "Yeah, well, you don't have a choice, maybe I'll be like this maybe I won't," he walked a bit faster, Toshinori sped up, "Damn you and your long legs...." Y/n huffed. Toshinori laughed, "Sorry can't help it," their playful banter went on and on until they reached the stadium. They walked up the flights of stairs,not wanting to miss anymore.

"ALRIIIIIGHT!!! YOU GUYS HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH FOR THE NEXT ROUND, SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, REINTRODUCING THE BOY WITH THE POWER TO STOP EVEN MIND CONTROL, MIDORIYA IZUKU!!!" The crowd roared, and so did Toshinori and Y/n, "You can do it!!" The crowd silenced slightly, wanting to hear his opponents name, "AND OVER IN THIS CORNER..."

"Please," a deep voice sounded out, a gargantuan figure walking out, "I don't need introduction," Bunny like bangs, gigantic muscles, "All Might!!" Everyone cheered, but Midoriya was confused, All Might isn't a student, so why would he be fighting him? Midoriya shook with a twinge of fear, 'Why are they acting as if he's a student?!'

"That's my student!!" Y/n shouted happily, although Toshinori would have joined in, he couldn't help but look at the fear on the kids face, Midoriya rarely gave that look.

Meanwhile down in the ground, the female stood proud, seeing that she had snared him into her trap, now all she had to do was play the part, "Why, young Midoriya! Why do you look so scared?" She asked smirking, "I'm not going to hurt you, just to help you," Midoriya trembled more, as "All Might" walked closer.

Lez, also known as Mocking Bird, her quirk has to do with both her ears and voice, her long ears make things easy to hear, so she can distinguish a voice, and mimick it, making her opponent think that they are that person, the only downside is she has to play the part, perfectly. She can also control who she decides, but if the group is too big, it'll be much harder.

'Alright, he's in, hook, line...' she smirked wider, "And sinker," she ran at him punching him in the gut, he fell backwards. She walked around pacing, like a cat playing with a mouse. Midoriya slowly got up onto his hands and knees, "Come on Midoriya!! Don't you wanna be a hero?! Don't you wanna be famous?!" She kicked him towards the edge. Midoriya froze, something was very off now, first All Might is fighting him at the sports festival, and now he says it's for fame...

Midoriya stood up and turned to him, "Hey All Might!" He yelled smiling, "I don't remember telling you it was for fame!" Lez faultered, 'Shit...' She chuckled, "See that was just a test to see if you would live up to what you told me!" Midoriya continued, "Oh yeah? And what was it that I told you?!"

Midoriya looked down at his shoes, "I know I'm quirkless, but I've always wanted to be a hero, not for money you see. I want to be able to help those in need, make people feel safe with a big smile on my face, " He looked up at All Might, "Just like you!!"

'I'll never forget that day young Midoriya, you sparked something back up in me that day,' Toshinori smiled silently in the box.

Lez stayed silent, she was caught. All Might started to waver, and now Midoriya saw the real person he was fighting, 'The girl I met in English...' he felt quite shocked, but was applauding her for her trick, although extremely devious, there was no mal-intent in her actions, "Gotta say, whatever your quirk is, it's rather neat," he nodded approvingly, before lowering himself ready to attack, "now it's my turn," He shot of, and in seconds was infront of her. She gasped, as he threw, she tumbled her hand going past the line, "LEZ IS OUT!!!! MIDORIYA IZUKU WINS AGAIN!!!!" Lez sighed in defeat, feeling idiotic. Her thoughts were stopped when shadow overcame her, she looked up seeing Midoriya holding out a hand to her, "You really did good, I mean think about it, with that quirk you could be a wicked spy!!" Leave huffed out a laugh taking his hand, and stood up. She shook his hand, "That was a good match, maybe sometime we can do that again," she let go of his hand, leaving Midoriya as red as a tomato.

Y/n and Toshinori smiled at their young pupils, they would definitely turn out to be great heroes.

Here's a picture of Lez -w-

Here's a picture of Lez -w-

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