chapter 36

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•Bailee's POV•

Does Cam still love me? I mean I hope he does.

As I walked back to Lily, who was looking at shoes, I called her over.

"Yeah?" She asked coming to me.

"I think Cam still likes me." I said.

"Duh." She said like it was nothing and walking away.

"What?" I said.

"Dude he's been talking about you ever since you left." She said.

"Then why was he with Livia?" I asked.

"Because he didn't want to be all lonely and loopy, plus he told us that you told him to not wait for you." She said.

"Well yeah, I guess that's true." I said.

"It is. But he never stopped crying for a week and always debated whether to call you or not. He chose not to because he thought you moved on." She explained.

"Why would I move on? I still care and love him so much. Oh gosh I have to tell him." I said starting to panic a bit.

"You already did." She said grinning and looking behind me. I turned around and saw Cam standing behind me. I started to tear up a bit.

"You broke up with her for me?" I asked.

"Bailee I never really wanted to be with her. I mean not to be a jerk to her, but it's always been you. I've missed you so much it hurts to not be with you every second of my life. I don't want you to go back to Michigan. I never want to lose you again." He said.

I began to cry, happy tears of course, and jumped into him hugging him tightly.

"I love you so much Cameron." I said.

"I love you too Bailee." He said. We were broken apart by a fake cough.

"Hey sorry to ruin the moment, but I want to go home." Lily said.

I laughed and wiped my tears away. I grabbed Cameron's hand and walked towards Lily lightly pushing her. She laughed and we all walked back to the car.

"Did you drive here?" I asked Cam.

"Yeah I'll see you guys back at Nash's." He said.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. Lily and I got back in the car and drove back to Nash's. When we got back I grabbed all my bags full of new clothes. Well I tried to. There were so many. Shopping relieves my stress.

Cam came up to me and helped me with my bags. We got inside and set the bags on the floor in the room I was staying in.

"So Bailee where do we stand?" He asked.

"Where do you want us to stand? If that makes sense?" I laughed a little while he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"Bailee Rae Jacobs will you be my girlfriend?" He said.

"Yes Cameron *kissed his cheek* Alexander *kissed his nose* Dallas *kissed him on the lips*." I said.

This kiss was different. It was full of love and passion. By far the best kiss we've had. I still had that burning sensation in my stomach. I smiled into the kiss as did he.

Then my smile slightly turned into a frown. His did too once he saw me.

"Is something wrong?" He said.

"Cam, I'm still going to go back to Michigan." I said. He sighed.

"Then we have the rest of winter break to be together." He smiled.

"Yes, yes we do." I said kissing him once again.

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