chapter 20

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IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING!! Please do not hate me!!

I hope you enjoy though! And go check out "My Everything" !!! XD



•Bailee's POV•

Oh my gosh.



This can NOT be happening!

"What!?" I said to my parents, on the verge of tears.

"Woah hun calm down! Yes we are moving. Aren't you excited?!" She said trying to calm me down. Which I wasn't.

"Well no not really. I'm sorry but I have a life here! This can't be happening! What about all my friends and Cameron?! Oh my god he's gonna be so upset! Mom, dad, you can't possibly say we're moving!" I said crying now.

"Honey I'm sorry but this job is great for us. You can always make new friends! and I know you and Cameron were new and I'm sorry hun. We leave in two days." She said now hugging me.

I of course hugged back. It's what I really needed right now. I let go and wiped my tears, only to let more to cascade down my cheeks, and jogged up to my room. I plopped on my bed with my face stuffed in my pillow. I sobbed and sobbed for what seemed like hours.

Then my phone started buzzing. I got up and grabbed my phone. I brought my knees up to my chest and wiped some tears. I looked and saw Cam was trying to FaceTime me. Dang, he can't see me like this. But of course I answered.

"Hey baby." He said smiling.

I had put my phone against one of my pillows on my bed and I covered my face with my hands.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, I can't see you" He said.

I separated my fingers and looked at him. His face was filled with confusion.

"I look like a mess right now Cam." I said sighing.

"What's wrong? Did I do something? Did someone hurt you? Do you want me to come over?" He said. I tried to respond but he didn't even let me.

"You know what? I'm coming. Don't move. I'll be quick." He said ending the call.


Just what I needed.

How am I gonna tell him? this is too hard. Should I tell him? Of course you should, stupid. ugh.

After about a few minutes of me leaning against my headboard, hugging my knees, and crying, I heard a knock at my door. I looked up and saw Cam slowly come in.

"Hey-" He said before looking at me. Probably seeing my puffy red eyes, swollen from crying.

He came straight over and pulled my into his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist putting his head in my hair, shushing me while he rocked us back and forth. I buried my face in his chest and silently crying. I finally stopped after I couldn't cry anymore.

"You want to fill me in on what's going on?" He asked rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks.

"well.. um .... I-um...." I said stuttering.

"You're scaring me Bailee." He said worry filling his eyes.

"I'm moving."

You and I | Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now