Chapter Four . . . A Blast To the Past

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Chapter Four . . .A Blast To the Past

Catherine's POV

"New member, when the bloody hell did this happen?" Gavin squawked as I took a seat next to Ryan on the couch.

Ryan smirked at me and scootched closer to me and showed me his laptop. "We're going to play Minecraft, wanna watch?" I raised an eyebrow to him. "You don't have to do anything."

"Alright, what are you guys doing?"

"We're going to the moon!" Ray yelled excitedly.

"Wow. Okay, I gotta watch this." I said with a smirk as I looked over at Gavin who was frowning confusedly.

"Is nobody going to answer me?"

"I don't have to do shit Gavin. You came in late, so nobody cares about what you have to say. So sit your scrawny ass down and shut up so we can go to the moon." Geoff said calmly which only made Gavin scowl at me.

I only waved in a cute way making Gavin look even more pissed off.

"Everyone log onto your accounts and get your shit set up."

There was a bunch of clicks on the keyboards and I watched Ryan's screen as he logged in.

Geoff invited each member into the game and I sat back and watched the magic that was about to unfold before me.

"Alright ready? Let's Play!" Geoff yelled and instantly they were recording.

"Alright we ready to go?" Ryan said into his microphone.

"Yeah, alright what are we doing?" A bunch of voices asked at once making it hard to recongized which voice belong to.

"Alright so we're doing-" Ryan was cut off as eveyone gathered around a wooded area.

"Another P.C. what is this sourcery Ryan?" Michael asked in fake distress making me grin. This looked like it was going to be a fun game.

""Uh we, and I gotta say to start with, couldn't think of any other group I would want to do this with-" Ryan started but was quickly shut down by Ray who on screen was running around the group.

"Guys I'm running at sixty frames! Top left hand corner."

"Damnit Ray." Michael said annoyed, and Ryan continued like no one had said a thing.

"We are going to the moon." He said with no excitement in his voice.

"Yays!" were said all around.

"What is this galacticraft or whatever?" Geoff asked.

"Yes, this is galacticraft." Ryan quickly answered.

"Alright I'm going to make a ladder!" Gavin said confusing me. Why would he make a ladder?

I looked over at him, but he was intensely staring at his screen.

The guys talked about the things they would need to get to the moon. Ryan was giving out direction since he was team leader, a.k.a Ryan the Science Guy.

I was sure to take mental note of not being the team leader. Ever.

I watched Ryan's screen as Gavin's creeper skined character walked over.

"Here Ryan I got something for you." Gavin said.

"Yeah, what is it?" Ryan asked. "What do you got for me?"

"Turn around." Gavin requested and when Ryan did his face distorted with confusion.

"You have a ladder?" He asked dumbfounded.

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