Chapter Twenty-Six . . . Convention (Part Two)

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Chapter Twenty-Six . . . Convention (Part Two)

Cat's POV

I knew that once we hit the convention, the place would be packed and crazy. I just never dreamed that it would be this crazy.

People with passes on were running around like animals freed from the zoo. There was a line around the building that held fans in costumes from RWBY and Red vs Blue.

How was it that our team was staying so calm?

I mean Geoff was nursing a beer and talking to the workers about setting up big screens for the live Let's Play, Burnie was just giving simple directions.

Me, I wanted to go home.

"How do you do this so calmly?" I asked Gavin who shrugged.

"We've done this a million times, we are prepared for literally anything that could possibly go wrong."

"Yeah, like Gavin getting drunk off his ass and not remember what game we were going to play." Michael laughed while Gavin's face turned red.

"That was one time, Micool!"

"Actually it was twice." Ray intervened as he came up next to us.

"Oh really? You know I only saw you drunk once." I noted and he grinned.

"Well thank the heavens for that." Geoff said as he slurped the rest of his beer down. "Are you assholes ready to meet your guardians."

Just as he said that a line of people made there was into the room, each of them had a serious look on their faces like they were ready for business.

All except for one, which was a pretty blonde who sauntered her way up to Gavin.

"Hello Mr. Free, are you ready to get in costume?" She purred making me roll my eyes. Did she not see me?

Gavin and I's relationship was not known to the public yet, but it would be very soon. Tonight was a possibility. Not that I was giving the woman any excuse to act like a whore.

"What costume?" I asked pushing the thoughts away from my head.

"Just my Vav costume, love." He said as he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.

"Hmm . . . I could use a super hero in my life." I said running my hands down his chest before leaning in and whispering in his ear. "Maybe the bedroom."

I felt him shiver before pulling back and grinning. "Relax there kitty cat." He said with a smirk, but when I looked down I saw the erection making the outline of his pants.

"Hey will you two horny idiots please move your asses." Geoff's voice had us pull away from each other.

"Yeah, yeah." Gavin said before pecking me on the lips and then moving away with his guardian.

"Cat, I would like you to meet your guardians." Geoff said as three people made there way over. "First we have Thomas." Geoff announced as a man with thick glassy, and messy blond hair walked up to me. Tom looked to be about my age except he was really nervous.

"H-Hi." He stuck his hand out and when I took it, I felt like I stuck my hand in a bucket of water.

"It's nice to meet you." I offered and he smiled before he pulled himself a way.

"Next is Robin."

A very pretty girl with black hair made her way up to me. She, unlike Tom, looked very calm.

"Hi Cat, I'm a big fan of yours." She said gently.

"Thank you."

"And finally we have Big John." Geoff said and when I looked over at him he looked like he was holding back laughter.

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