Prologue . . . Welcome To Texas

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Prologue . . . Welcome To Texas

Catherine's POV

I took an inhale of my cigarette as I sat on the hood of my car infront of my new apartment. Well, I wouldn't exactly call it new considering that it was literally falling apart. I mean the damn windows were boarded up with wooden planks.

Shit. That was all I had to say.

I sighed and dropped my cigarette to the ground. What the hell was I thinking? Coming to Texas alone with no money, friends, or idea of what this place was even about. I was so fucked.

I guess I should explain myself huh?

My name is Catherine Daniels I am twenty-two years old born and raised in Pennsylvania. My parents are members of the church, my father being the pastor, they are very religious leaving me and my sister to be the perfect children. The one's who went to church every Sunday, didn't swear, had the perfect grades, you know the kids you were annoyed by at school.

My sister followed that idea of popularity perfectly while I was the total reject  daughter that nobody wanted.

It all started when I was born, I didn't like the other children, and didn't share so well with others especially in the church play group and it reflected on my parents way of parenting. It quickly got worse when I went to the Catholic school and they figured out that I was dyslexic. My way with numbers were horrible and I would get my letters mixed up. Again it reflected on my parents way of raising me. Each time that some sort of report on me would come home I was punished. I wouldn't be allowed to eat, I wouldn't be allowed out of my room, and one time they went as far as locking me in the attic because I had to learn to be a child of God, but God had nothing to do with me being the way I was. They wanted me to be pure perfection.

As I started growing I rebelled more and more. And by rebelled I mean sneaking out of the house to play at the arcade. Which at that time in middle school any parent would love for children to be playing at the arcade instead of exploring drugs and alcohol, but not my parents. They didn't approve of video games telling me that video games were signs of the devil. What they saw as evil I saw as a new way of life. When I told them that I was quickly punished.

As I grew up more I was never allowed to have a job or have money so moving out was never an option. So I was stuck there living in my own personal hell thinking everything I did was wrong when in reality I was just a normal person. I quickly fell into depression and began smoking and drinking, but I quickly cut out the drinking when I figured that the high was not worth the hangover. So instead I dowelled in my room. Until last week I decided that life was not meant to be lived that way and so I ran away with the fifty dollars I managed to dig up and now I'm here in Austin Texas.

Why Austin Texas?

It was the furthest place I got to without reason, and my parents would never think in a million years that I would come here.

But I did and now I'm sitting outside of the shitty apartment smoking almost my whole pack of cigarettes.

Great. Just great.

I hopped of of my car and made my way inside the creaking building. The place was dusty and cold. The lights flickered as I walked up to the caged wall area where an overweight greasy man was sitting reading the paper.

"Hey are you the manager?" I asked hoping that he would tell me no and that I was in the wrong place.

His eyes moved over my body giving me the creeped out chills. "Yeah, what can I do for you?" He asked making me want run the other way.

"Yeah, I called you last night about the open apartment?" His eyes stayed on my body for another moment before turning to his list of what I assumed were names and numbers of rooms.

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