X Drake x Reader

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         "You're kidding me." He's not. The man's bright red cheeks and very noticeable nose bleed (and boner). "I'm not wearing that."

         "It's indecent to-"

         "No, it's not indecent," you cut him off. "Why should I cover up just because you're a stuttering mess of a virgin?" Drake's blush gets worse, and he send you a glare.

         "You're hardly dressed and-"

        "If anything cover up your god damn boner," you grumble, making the man stutter and hold his jacket over his pants. "Listen, this is a beach. Women wear swimsuits. There's nothing wrong with wearing one!" Drake opens his mouth and looks at you, but nearly passes out from another nose bleed.

         "He's really bad with women's bodies, huh?" someone asks you, which makes you rub your face and sigh.

         "The Captain is the god damn worst with them." As he falls in the sand, you kneel down and put your over shirt under his head. "There, there. Just stay like that and let us swim. You can lecture us later, Youth Minister." With that you salute and head to the water with the other ladies, leaving your blushing mess of a Captain on the ground.

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