* Crocodile x Reader

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          "Woah, what?!" your childhood friend screeches as you wince. The other girls in the circle, Robin and Vivi, share Nami's shocked expression as you shy away from your friends.

         "It's not like I'm trying to get in his pants," you grumble as your face heats up. "I just think he looks good in a particular pair..." At this Nami begins howling with laughter as she clutches her stomach. By now Vivi and Robin have joined in the laughter, which only made your blush that much worse. "Come on, people get hot professors all the time!" you wail and Vivi's hand falls on your shoulder.

         "We don't mean to make you feel bad, (Y\N)," she says between giggles. "It's just funny since you've never shown any sort of interest in someone before." You grumble and cross your arms as the laughter finally dies down.

         "It is strange that you've only just found someone you're attracted to," Robin agrees as she runs a hand through her hair. "Especially if that someone is Professor Crocodile." Ah yes, the attractive Professor of your college Economics course. That handsome devil, even with his prosthetic hand, has been the star of your dirtiest fantasies since the class began.

         "Come on, it's not like he's an ugly guy," you huff while Nami nudges your side.

         "Maybe," she chuckles, "You might have a weird fetish for older guys." Your face burns brighter before she leans back. "The only other guy you've ever had a crush on was-"

         "Nami, no, I'm-"

         "Luffy's Grandpa way back when we were little." Your face feels like it's on fire while the girls start laughing again.

         "He was nice to me, and he let me wear that stupid hat of his!"

         "Say whatever you want, (Y\N), but it's the truth. You have a thing for older guys," Nami shrugs. "There's nothing to be ashamed of... Besides, there's weirder stuff you could be into."

         "Like young children," Vivi pipes up.

         "Or dead bodies." The four of you go silent after Robin's statement, but you nod nonetheless.

         "I suppose you're right..." you admit with a sigh. "Well, for as fun as this has been," you grumble sarcastically. "I need to get back to my dorm. I have to study for the Economics review tomorrow."

         "So you can impress your hot teacher with your grades?" Nami teases.

         "So I don't flunk out of college."

         "Have fun!" Nami calls as you roll your eyes. With that you grab your things and leave Vivi and Nami's shared dorm. As you step outside you open your umbrella and smile as the rain falls. Foggy, rainy, and cool. Perfect! You hum as you walk towards your own dorm, though once you make it in front of your building, you're shocked to see your Economics Professor hiding from the rain at the bus stop across the street. You gulp as you notice his slicked-backed hair is falling into his face, and his white shirt is becoming slightly see-through... Damn, he's certainly well defined.

         "M-Mr. Crocodile?" You call as you walk across the street. "Is there a problem here?" The man seems to jump at your voice, though he calms down once he turns and spots you standing next to him.

         "I forgot my umbrella," he says, "So I'm waiting for the rain to stop." You frown before thinking back to the weather reports. The rain is supposed to go throughout the night, and into tomorrow. You notice the briefcase sitting next to him before it clicks; he can't get the contents of that case wet. That would be throwing away weeks of hard work, considering he doesn't allow kids to type out their assignments. You bite your lip before thrusting your umbrella into his hand and running out into the rain.

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