Trick-or-Treating (Ace x Reader)

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Hiya hiya everyone! So for the month of October, I'm going to try and write a Halloween (or horror in general) themed oneshot everyday. Originally I was going to do the Kinktober challenge, but there's no way that's gonna be done. Anyways, I hope you enjoy these!


Prompt One: Trick or Treating


         "Come on, Coby!" you whine through the door of your little brother's room. "How long does it take to get ready?" You quickly check your phone for any updates... Nothing. Tonight you and your friends were bringing your younger siblings out trick-or-treating. Your closest friend, Nojiko, also had the bright idea to invite the boy you've been crushing on for years! So tonight is gonna be great (please note the sarcasm here, considering Nojiko just wants to see you a flustered mess).

         "Sorry, (Y\N)!" Coby calls as he throws open his door and puffs out his chest in pride. "I wanted my costume to be perfect!" You laugh and look over the uniform with a smile. Most kids want to be superheroes and monsters, but not Coby.

         "You make a fine Marine, Coby," you praise before a grin forms on your face. "Now come on you big dork, the others are waiting." Coby cheers and grabs his bag before running out of the house, with you following behind. "H-Hey! Don't run too far!" you call as you start to jog after him. Eventually the two of you make it to the rundown statue outside of the park; this is where everybody agreed to meet.

         "Where is everyone?" Coby asks as he looks around. You frown before pulling out your phone. Where indeed? There's no way in hell the two of you arrived first.

         "Looks like Nojiko and Kaya went on ahead," you grumble as you read the messages that you missed. Coby deflates and looks to the ground.

         "So Nami and Usopp are already trick-or-treating? What about the others?" You bite your lip to keep from swearing.

         "According to Perona, she and Zoro are going to another town, and Iceburg said that Franky's feeling under the weather..."

         "So it's just us tonight, huh?" You frown before kneeling down to your brother's height in order to ruffle his hair.

         "Come on, we can have fun!" Coby nods slowly while rubbing at his eyes to hide his tears. Poor kid...

         "I gue-"

         "Hey! Coby!" a voice calls, earning both you and your brother's attention. Before either of you can respond, a little pirate boy tackles your brother in a hug and grins. Monkey D. Luffy? "Woah, you went with a marine? That's cool, we kinda match!" Luffy cheers as he sits up.

         "Luffy? Are you guys late too?" you ask as you help up both of the boys. Soon Ace, the one person in the world that makes you tongue-tied and flustered, jogs over with a frown.

         "Luffy, don't run off! If you get hurt, Gramps is gonna have my head on a platter!" Luffy laughs while his older brother sighs and shakes his head before looking at you. "A cool looking Marine, and then a cute witch... Nice costume, (Y\N)," he compliments with a wink, which brings a faint blush to your cheeks.

         "Y-You too, Mr. Werewolf." Ace laughs and claps your shoulder before looking around.

         "So where are the others? I thought we were meeting here?"

         "Looks like we took too long, so they went ahead of us," you frown. Ace sighs and rubs the back of his head as Luffy starts pulling Coby towards the first house. "So what made you guys late?" Ace blushes and looks to the side quickly.

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