Little Rabbit (??? x Reader)

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         The only thing you can manage to hear at the moment is the sound of your own heartbeat in your ears. Not only can you hear it, but each pulse resonates throughout your body as you strain to hear passed it. Your nails dig at the bark of the tree as you scan the woods from your hiding spot. There's no movement, and for some reason you're not sure if you're relieved or horrified. Whatever was pursuing you might be lost, or it's waiting.

         "Little Rabbit," a voice calls, echoing around you. If your pulse was fast before, it's only tripled in pace. They're still after you, whoever they are. You're quick to bolt from your hiding spot as you feel the presence of another body a short distance away. You don't spare the time to look, however, as you know that'd only waste time. "My prey wants to play chase, hm?"

         "Stay away!" You cry out before taking random turns through the dense and dark woods. The sun had begun setting when you first ran into the woods to hide, and now very few rays of light manage to make it through the brush. Getting to the top of a large hill, you scan the terrain. Nothing but lose rocks and gravel... Fuck, there's no way you can go this way!

         "Is my rabbit making it easy for me?" the voice growls, seemingly closer than before. With no other choice, you hop down and slide down the rocks. Staying upright is difficult, however you manage to get to the bottom of the hill with almost no problems. When you look back to the top of the hill, you see a figure retreating... Are... Are they giving up...? Are you safe? Deciding not to test that theory, you continue running into the new area of the forest. Animals run in fear, and you're positive they're not afraid of you but rather whatever is stalking you.

         "I need to get back to the dock," you whisper as you slow and look around. Who knows where town is, and who knows when your crew will notice you're missing. They wouldn't leave without you, right...?

         "Run all you wish, dear Rabbit," the voice echoes, which sends a shiver down your spine. "I will catch you." Without a second thought you begin running towards the sound of running water. If they've managed to keep up with you for this longer, perhaps they have a devil fruit...? And if that's the case, they can't follow you into the water. "Don't be stupid," someone growls from directly behind you. Before you can turn, something goes through your shoulder and sends a burning feeling throughout your entire arm. From the corner of your eye you can see a crimson stained blade, which makes you scream.

         "Shit, shit, shit!" The blade is ripped from your shoulder before a great amount of force hits your back and sends you down. You cry out in shock and pain once your hands and knees hit the ground. Before you can move, arms cage you as a shadow looms above you. This thing, your hunter, has caught you. There's nowhere to hide, and nowhere to run. You can feel their chest against your back as they chuckle (A noise that makes your blood freeze) and lean close. Their tongue runs over the shell of your ear, which triggers a strangled cry to leave your lips.

         "I've finally caught you, Little Rabbit."

         "Please," you whimper, shaking as your tears hit the ground. "What... What do you want with me?" you whisper. You try to turn your head only to find you're incapable of moving. Your body has shut down completely, leaving you at the mercy of your stalker. They chuckle and pick you up, which forces a sob from your lips and your wounds throb. The look in their eyes makes you forget that though as your body becomes numb. A carnal look, nearly feral...

         "I plan on keeping my cute, fragile rabbit... All to myself." And like that, your fate is sealed... 

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