Lafitte x Reader

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         "My," he sighs as his fingers trail along your jaw. "I must say, My Dear, I'm rather disappointed." As if to punctuate his sentence, his nails dig into your cheeks making you wince. "Your Devil Fruit is amazing. A true gem," he whispers by your ear. His cane presses against your neck and keeps you pinned against the wall. "And we need such a power."

         "Fuck off," you hiss, trying to squirm or thrash away from the man, but a gasp leaves your lips as you feel his leg press against you.

         "Now, now Darling," he chides, "Don't make me kill you." You try to tug your hands, and wince as the blade going through your palms moves slightly. "Now I'll ask this of you one more time, and I hope you don't disappoint... Will you join us? You will keep your life and abilities, and you will be rewarded generously for your service."


         "Or," he growls as he reaches up. He twists the blade in your hand making you arch and cry out. Your legs thrash trying to get away, but Lafitte simple smiles as his tongue runs over his lip. "Such a lovely sound... You see no matter your answer I prevail. You come with us and I get the pleasure of seeing you and having complete control over you... And if you decide to decline the offer, I get to listen to those delicious screams... I can either make you beg for more or mercy, (Y\N)... Pick wisely." Perhaps it's the feeling of your blood running down your arms and the threats to your life, or maybe it's the feral way he looks at you... But you can't find the word "no" on your tongue. In fact, every inch of you wants this man to possess and control you... He seems confident, too. Like the smug bastard knows exactly where your thoughts are going.

         "I... I..."

         "Perhaps, My Dear, you need some more convincing," he purrs as his hand slips under the hem of your pants. A gasp leaves your lips, as well as a moan... A sound that you know will only leave you in his hands until he decides to let you go.

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