Dragon x Reader

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In which Dragon doesn't even show up! Yay!


         He couldn't be here, but that's fine... It's fine, you think, as you hold the sleeping bundle in your arms. Your son's face is soft and pure, and you can't help but wonder if he'll look like his father as he ages.

         You hardly hear the nurse calling for help, nor the beeps by your bedside. As doctors rush in, you can only send them a smile and hold a finger to your lips. Don't disturb him... Don't let your son watch what happens next.

         By the time your father-in-law enters the room, your fate is sealed. Your body feels heavy, and everything feels cold. What you wouldn't give to see him one last time, but you can deal with this loneliness. He's trying to change the world, and you refuse to hold him back.




         "His name is Luffy." You glance back at your son and smile weakly. "Please just... Let me hold him. Until my time comes. I can't be saved and I know it..." Garp stays silent for a moment before he nods solemnly.

         "He would have loved to be here... To say goodbye."

         "I know."

         "And he would've loved to hold Luffy... To hold your hand..." A smile graces your lips as you place a kiss on Luffy's forehead. In the back of your mind you remember some old legend about charms, but maybe you're imagining it.

         "May I ask you a favor?"

         "You would not be the first to ask me while on death's doorstep," Garp chuckles, making you smile as well.

         "Take care of him for me... Make sure he's happy."

         "I wouldn't dream of letting my grandson live an unhappy life."

         "Thank you... And Garp?"


         "Don't... Please, if you can, don't let Dragon find out."

         "About Luffy?"

         "About me." He's silent for a moment before he sighs.

        "I'm no miracle worker, but I'll try my best."

         "Thank you." Your eyes close, and it's starting to become difficult to feel anything. "Luffy... He is... He is my treasure," you whisper before everything grows silent. You no longer hear beeps or the sounds of anyone in the room. Just silence, and the loneliness that comes with it. 

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