Halloween Songs (Apoo x Reader)

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This one is kinda short because I couldn't bring myself to write any more (I really liked it when I finished and decided to keep it this way)


Prompt Six: Halloween Songs




"My sweetheart."


"My better half."

"You're starting to scare me, Babe..."

"You know I love you, right?" you question as you sit up from your shared bed. You set your phone down before looking at your boyfriend, who was luckily enough to work from home today. "You know that you're the light of my life, and I would spend the rest of it with you?" Apoo stops typing on his computer and grins, which almost makes you forget the point that you're about to make... Almost.

"Of course I know that, (Y\N). Why, what's up?" You hum and stand up while stretching your arms over your head.

"You mean so much to me," you continue as you approach him and wrap your arms around his neck. "These last five years have been some of the best that I've had throughout my entire life!" You lean down and place a kiss on his cheek before leaning close to his ear. "But I mean it when I saw I will drop your dead body in a ditch if you replay that song one more fucking time," you whisper, which makes Apoo cover his face and laugh.

"Come on, Babe! It's a classic! You can't celebrate Halloween without this one."

"While I agree," you hum before glaring at him. "This one's been on for the past two and a half hours, and I'm about to lose my shit." You and Apoo fall into a silent stand off while you maintain eye contact. The silence only gets worse once that god forsaken song ends. "And now you have a choice." Apoo breaks eye contact to look at the screen as his hand reaches for the mouse. As the cursor inches towards the replay button, you narrow your eyes. "Scratchmen, I'm warning you..."




"For the love of all that is holy, no."


"Two and a half fucking hours, Apoo." Your boyfriend glances at you from the corner of his eye before making his choice... And as the intro to the song starts back up, you groan and fall back on your bed.

"Love you, Baaaaabe!"

"I'm gonna start looking for your ditch," you grumble as your boyfriend sends you a cheeky smile that you can't help but reciprocate. This dork is a fucking idiot, but he's your idiot.

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