Shanks x Reader

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Seriously what the fuck am I writing? Again, tread lightly (And yes, I know it escalates quickly).


The first time she asked me who you were, I stumbled. The first time she asked where you were, I couldn't provide an answer to appease her curiosity. When she asked why you left us, I managed to tell the truth.

         Your true love was not me.

                  I could never have your heart the way the sea does.

Our daughter merely stared at the water for hours. Perhaps jealous that the waves and salt would know her father's love more than she ever would. Or maybe out of curiosity. Will our daughter's heart be stolen by the sounds of the ocean? By the lulling melody and the gentle swaying? I had paid no mind to it, but that was my biggest mistake.

         Her body swayed with the waves.

                  Her hair, fiery and red like your own, was only more pronounced against the pale, wet skin.

The love you left me for, left us for, stole the heart of your daughter as well. In the arms of her lover she closed her eyes, and in the arms of your lover she was brought back to me.

         Was it not enough to lose you to the sea?

                  Must the ocean take and take until it leaves nothing but an empty home and a lone, stone marker?

I sit by the sea in hopes I'll see your ship. That the frail body in my arms wasn't her. That she's with you, exploring your shared love to the ends of the earth. But reality is a harsh mistress. I know that the sea held your heart, and hers as well... And in the eerie silence, it grabs a hold of my own. 

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