Haunted House (The Worst Generation)

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So I have a rule for this challenge that I won't repeat characters until it is absolutely necessary, but this one is kind of an exception to that rule. Also... I'm trying my hand at some gore (just a bit, but hey... It's something). And, final note, this is one that's a little rushed (but I think in the future I'm going to expand it... Maybe start a longer story)


Prompt Eleven: Haunted House


"You're kidding, right?" you question as you look back at your friends. They merely grin, which makes you sigh and look back at the rotted manor in front of you. "It's just a run down house; no ghosts inside."

"So now you don't believe in them?" your best friend questions as they poke your cheek. "I seem to remember you crying at the thought of this place back when we were kids."

"Yeah, because I was a fucking crybaby," you scoff. "Come on, the "Ghost of Gold Roger" is a bullshit story." Ah yes, the local urban legend (passed along by the older kids to scare the younger ones into pissing themselves). As the story goes, a pirate by the name of Gold Roger took his own life in the manor (despite the fact that the manor was built long after his death) and that his spirit haunts it. Again, utter bullshit meant to scare kids.

"Come on, (Y\N)!"

"No!" You cross your arms and narrow your eyes at your friend. Your friend stares you down for a moment before a large smirk grows on their face; oh no. They're fast, too fast for you to stop them, as they grab your only set of car keys and climb the fence. "(F\N), what the fuck?!"

"If you want these, then you'll have to follow me inside!" they laugh before sprinting up to the manor. Son of a bitch!

"When I get my hands on you," you growl while climbing over the fence. Your other friends snicker as you glare at them. "Eat dicks, all of you," you spit before hopping the fence and jogging towards the front door (which is wide open from your friend having stormed in like a natural disaster). "(F\N)?" you call as you grab your phone and open the flashlight app. The first thing to see it a giant monster, making you stumble back and scream... Except it doesn't move. "Just... Just a taxidermy animal," you wheeze as you hold your chest. But what the hell kind of animal is this? It has giant antlers, but it vaguely looks human-like... Aside from the shaggy brown fur and strange hooves.

"Come on, (N\N)!" (F\N) calls from deeper in the house, which makes you scowl and turn. "Unless you want me to throw out your keys~"

"When I get my hands on you, I'm going to strangle you," you growl while stalking down the dusty, cobweb filled halls. It's creepy, sure, but what can you expect from a mansion that has a monster-taxidermy-thing in the front hall? Every so often you spot framed pictures from a variety of times; who knew the manor has been around this long? And clearly it's had many owners...

"(Y\N)~" your friend sings, making you rub your face and sigh.

"(F\N), we're trespassing!" you call back while walking faster. "We could get arrested!" You hear your friend laugh (which you will admit is creepy as it echoes down the hall) and mimic your statement in a high pitched voice. "I'm serious!"

"Hi Serious, I'm (F\N)!" they cackle and as you run into a large room, you see your friend climb up to the second floor and sprint away.

"Son of a bitch," you hiss as you approach the stairs, only to watch as the collapse. "Son of a bitch!" This place is way too dangerous for either of you to be in here! Luckily there should be another stair well, considering how symmetrical the manor is...

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