Halloween Decorations (Franky x Reader)

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Yeah, this one is bad but I just wanted to finish it... Sorry! (I'll try to make it up in the next chapter or something)


Prompt Ten: Halloween Decorations


         "You two always amaze me," a voice chuckles, which nearly causes you to fall off the latter that you're perched on. With a small screech, you hold onto it before looking down and spotting him.

         "Iceberg!" You cheer as you quickly climb down the ladder; you run into your long time friend's arms while the man smiles. "I thought you weren't gonna show up for another week!" you laugh as you pull away.

         "Business was slow, so I left Paulie in charge... I wanted to see how you two have been doing." That's right! The last time Iceberg was in the area was for your wedding a few years ago!

         "I know Franky's going to freak when he sees you!" You chirp as you drag him towards your home. "Sorry if it's a mess, we've been digging out the Halloween decorations all week long," you explain as you open the door. Iceberg follows you inside and looks around; despite the many plastic lawn decorations everywhere, it still looks the same (well, maybe with more cola bottles scattered around).

         "Speaking of that trigger happy idiot," Iceberg smirks, "He hasn't given you trouble, has he?"

         "Nothing that Grannie Kokoro hasn't taught me how to deal with," you smirk, making the man laugh and shake his head at the thought of the older woman. She was next on his list of people to visit. "Hold on, I'll call the doofus," you smile before running to the basement stairs. "Franky! Fraaaaanky!"

         "What is it, (Y\N)?"

         "I have a SUPER nice surprise for you up here!" you call, sending Iceberg a wide grin. Silence follows, but soon you can hear your husband's signature heavy footsteps.

         "What kind of surprise could-"

         "Surprise!" you cheer as Franky's jaw drops. Your husband lifts his glasses before swiftly approaching his brother.

         "Ice-for-brains, is that really you?" he laughs while giving his friend a rather forceful pat on the shoulder (which nearly knocks over the shorter man). "I thought you weren't coming around until next week?"

         "Business was-"

         "You jerk!" With that Franky takes his childhood friend in a headlock, while growling. Iceberg flails and tries to fight him back (and he actually manages to put Franky in a headlock as well!)

         "What do you think you're doing?!"

         "We were rushing to decorate the house before you got here, you prick!"

         "How is that my fault?"

         "You told us you wouldn't be here another week!"

         "Are you telling me to leave?!"

         "And don't come ba-"

         "Now that's enough!" you bark, quickly hitting the two over the head. Oh boy, these two haven't changed in ages.


         "Will you two stop pouting like children?" you sigh as the three of you sit in Grannie Kokoro's home. The old woman laughs and takes a swig of her booze while watching them. "Come on," you groan as the two look away from one another.

         "Those two haven't changed," the old woman laughs, voicing your thoughts to the letter.

         "Tell this jackass not to give false dates!"

         "Tell this brute not to attack people for ridiculous reasons."


         "Jackass?!" And like that, the two are at each other's throats, which makes you sigh and rub your face as Grannie Kokoro cackles.

         "Idiots," you grumble as you lean against the table. "All this nonsense over Halloween decorations..."



         "What's the point?" your husband sulks as he sits on the floor of your living room. "Iceberg's seen our work before it's done, so he's not going to be surprised." You sit down in front of him while shaking your head.

         "There's other reasons, you know?"

         "Like what?"

         "Well, the kids in the neighborhood," you hum. "Every year their little eyes light up as they take in all the work you put into making our house look nice. And don't you wanna stick it to that Vegapunk jerk down the road?"

         "Yeah, but-"

         "Franky," you plead, putting your hands on his cheeks. "Don't let some dumb fight ruin our holiday, or Iceberg's visit... You know you'll end up regretting it, don't you?" Your husband looks away, but you can tell that he knows he's in the wrong.

         "I'm sorry, (Y\N)."

         "I'm not the one you should apologize to," you remind him as you stand. Your husband watches you with a frown before rubbing the back of his head. "Now are you going to apologize?" Your husband keeps his eyes down as you sigh. "Maybe... Maybe there's something else..."


         "(Y\N), of course I know he didn't mean it," Iceberg sighs, "There's no reason for you to try and get us to make up..."

         "I know you two tend to bicker, but I think this will be a nice way of forgetting that nonsense," you chirp as you drive him towards your house. Your friend shakes his head and leans back as you smile. As you pull into your driveway, a large smile grows on your face. That amazing idiot.

         "Hey! Took you long enough!" Franky laughs from on top of the roof as Iceberg looks around with wide eyes. Truth be told, Franky goes all out when it comes to the lights... But at least he put all of your skeleton props up!

         "Did... Did you two really do this?" Iceberg asks as he looks around with wide eyes. A large grin grows on his face as he laughs. "What am I talking about? Of course you did!"

         "So, impressed?"

         "That's the understatement of the year," Iceberg admits as Franky jumps and cheers (nearly falling off the roof in the process, much to you and Iceberg's horror).

         "Franky, you idiot, climb down right now before you hurt yourself!"

         "Love you too, (Y\N)!" Iceberg laughs then nudges your side.

         "You could've married anyone else; it would have been less chaotic," Iceberg mumbles with a smile. You sigh and shake your head as you watch your husband pose with one of the roof skeletons.

         "Wouldn't be as fun though."

         "Fair enough."

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