I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings (Doflamingo x Reader)

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I'm so fucking sorry for the bullshit I'm writing tonight


 I know why the caged bird sings. I know why she flaps her wings and cries out from the depths of her heart. She beats against the bars till they drip red and pool beneath her feet. She screams and sings until her voice grows hoarse, and is left as nothing but a whisper... But this will not deter the caged bird. She will continue to sing.

She will look out between the cruel bars of her cage and watch as the sun rises over your kingdom. She will see the people in the streets, along with the toys and animals, and she will start her song again. She will start her dance again. Her (E\C) hues burn with a fire as she continues to cry out to the heavens or any soul listening from her heart's core. I know why the caged bird sings.

Her wings bruised and her chest sore, but the fire is still in her eyes. When you, King of everything you claim, question why she resists... Remember, I know why the caged bird sings. 

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