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"What an awful bruise!" Liam exclaimed as he took in the sight of the bruise on Louis' face

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"What an awful bruise!" Liam exclaimed as he took in the sight of the bruise on Louis' face. "I've been walking around, looking like this since Saturday, but thanks for noticing," Louis joked, referring to the time where he got beat up by Zayn after his job interview.

"You know I've been sick as a donkey! That's why I haven't been to school this whole week," Liam said. Nodding his head, Louis leaned against his locker. "I know, I know," the smaller lad whispered.

"You should go to the principal's office with that," Liam said, referring to the faltering bruise on Louis' face. "What can they do? I don't have any proof that it's Zayn who did this, and it wasn't even on school property," Louis mumbled, his gaze not meeting Liam's.

"All I'm saying is; it will happen again if you don't do anything about it,"

"You think so?" Louis asked halfhearted, just getting nervous about the thought of facing Zayn. "I know so," Liam told Louis in a confident voice. Liam was probably right, and Louis knew that too. And even if he didn't have any intentions of going to the principal's office and whine about it, he assured Liam that he would do it, because Liam didn't need to worry about him.

"What about you and Harry?" Liam asked a small smirk on his lips. "How are you two holding up?" Having to chew on that question before answering, Louis almost had a panic attack thinking about the dream he had that night. The dream was so realistic, and Harry was just above him, looking down at him in the most disgusting and humiliating way Louis had ever felt. He didn't quite understand why he had a dream like that, so different from what Harry was in real life.

So technically, in Louis' dreams, Harry was a monster. But dreams don't have anything to do with real life, do they? Well, if they affect you in your daily life, and affect the way you see your beloved ones, they must have to do with something in real life.

"We're good, yeah," Louis spoke, nodding. It was no lie and they were really good together. But Louis still couldn't push that awful dream out of his head, it was bugging him more than necessary.

"You guys did the "thing" yet?" Liam asked with a grin on his lips, and the question was obviously a joke. Raising his eyebrows in a way that indicated that he had no intention of answering the question, Louis pressed his lips in a thin line. Unable to hold his laughter back, Liam burst into laughter and shook his head at the same time. "I'm just kidding, that's none of my business," Liam assured him, patting Louis on his shoulder.

"Yeah, that is really none of your business you nosy dork," Louis reassured him, forcing out a laugh. "I better get to class, the break will be over in 5 minutes," Liam told Louis after he had spared a glance to a clock hanging in the hallway. "Thank god, I was beginning to get tired of your face," Louis joked around, laughing as he watched Liam's face turn into a funny grimace. "Go you moron," Louis said, scoffing him off. "I'll see you around you old man," Liam joked, bowing in front of Louis and then walking off.

Turning around to get some things out of his locker, Louis could feel two shadows creeping up on him. Picking out two books for chemistry class, he closed his locker again and turned to face the ones who was standing behind his back.

Luckily it was just two girls that he went to school with. He was pretty sure he had math classes with one of them.

They both had sweet faces, touched by angels, nothing evil to spot.

"Hi, Louis," one of them said. She had bright red hair and braces.

"Marie, right?" he asked her, and she nodded, the smile on her face still bright as when she appeared for him the first time. "And this is Gaya," she said, pointing to her friend who had dark hair and brown eyes. Sending a friendly nod her way, Louis' gained a smile back.

"So, we heard about you and Harry, are you really a couple now?" Marie asked her braces on display. Her face was as a little puppy waiting for a treat. Louis had never even considered the thought that anyone would be interested in knowing anything about his relationship. But since it was Harry he was in a relationship, of course, some people would be interested in knowing.

"Uh, yeah," Louis announced, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. He had never spoken to any of these girls before, and now it seemed as if he was the most important thing in their lives right now.

"I knew it!" Marie exclaimed, almost as if she watching a good movie and she had already figured out what would happen next. "That's really sweet Louis," Gaya told him, and he could see how sincere she was.

His whole life he had been bullied for being homosexual, and now it was suddenly cute? He didn't know what to answer, so he just replied with a simple "thanks". What does one say? Had he not expected the complete opposite reaction to his homosexual relationship? Who would be the first one to break the ice, scream "joke" at him, and push him into the locker?None of them did, they just left him with big smiles on their faces. In a way, he felt accepted and happy, in another way he was confused by what had just happened.

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