22:13 FRIDAY

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That's when he noticed someone in the crowd that wasn't laughing, at all

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That's when he noticed someone in the crowd that wasn't laughing, at all.

The boy in the yellow t-shirt.

Louis eyesight was too blurry to see how the person was looking, due to the tears blocking his sight. Everything he could see was a yellow shirt shining through, in a big crowd of black clothes. It was a shame that this was how they were supposed to meet.

Well, the guy in the yellow t-shirt didn't know that Louis was the one he had talked to in the bathroom, so technically it didn't matter.

"Oh, what a mess he is!" Evan exclaimed and laughed loudly as everyone else was doing. Evan harshly yanked Louis closer by grabbing his wrist. Wincing slightly when Evan dug his nails into his days old cuts that were still not healed. This was awful, he was so embarrassed. His whole face burned from embarrassment, cheeks growing dark red.

Looking up from the ground, his eyes fell on the guy in the yellow shirt. He couldn't see his face since everything was blurry for him, but he could definitely tell that the guy was on his way towards Evan and him.

Shrinking in on himself, Louis whimpered and squirmed under Evan's grip. "Let go, please, you're hurting me," Louis pleaded, and looked over at Evan who was laughing with the crowd. Louis jeans were getting uncomfortable to be in, wet and clammy.

"Evan, you better get your hands off him right now!" A familiar voice shouted. Louis eyes shot up, and they met angry emerald eyes staring at Evan, who was still captivating Louis wrists.

It was Harry. Harry was the guy he met in the bathroom. This was the weirdest thing ever, but it all made sense now.

Louis remembered as he had asked earlier if Harry wasn't feeling hot because he was wearing a hoodie, and Harry had simply replied. "Nah, but I've got a t-shirt under this hoodie, so it's fine." It all made sense now.

Staring in awe at the gorgeous boy in front of him, his lips parted and he almost forgot what situation he was put in, until Harry roughly pushed Evan backwards. Luckily Evan let go of Louis sore wrists, before he fell to the floor.

When Evan had landed on his bottom with a soft thud, a silence filled the room. Harry's gaze left Evan, and directed towards Louis who was softly crying, standing in an awkward position, his jeans soaked in urine.

Shifting uncomfortably on his feet, Louis felt the wet material of his jeans, uncomfortably rub his thighs. Grimacing, he blushed uncontrollable, a deep shade of dark red. This was so embarrassing, and he wish it would never have happened, but it did. "Fucking asshole!" Harry growled at Evan who scrambled off the floor, with a terrified look on his face as he scurried out of the room.

"Fucking christ! Are you okay love? Let me see your wrist," Harry insisted, when he had seen how tight Evan had held Louis already cut wrist. Not even hesitating, Harry gently grabbed Louis arm and rolled his sleeve up, seeing how a bruise was already forming around the boy's wrist. Nostrils flaring as the older boy watched in disgust. Harry knew how much Louis already struggled, and for Evan to hurt Louis even more was just disgusting.

I MET HIM IN THE BATHROOM // l.sWhere stories live. Discover now