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"Why did you bring me here?" Louis asked, looking up at Harry, as he was sat down on the edge of the bed, his head aching as he moved

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"Why did you bring me here?" Louis asked, looking up at Harry, as he was sat down on the edge of the bed, his head aching as he moved. Sighing softly, Harry walked around the bed to get to Louis. Harry was dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants that were hanging low on his hips, and a plain blue t-shirt. "I wanted to take care of you. God Louis, you were so drunk. Do you even remember anything?" Harry asked concerned, and sat down beside the younger boy.

Tugging at the strings on the sweatpants he was wearing, Louis felt the bed wobble. He had borrowed some of Harry's clothes, since his others were wet, probably because he spilled some alcohol on them, or something he didn't remember.

Louis didn't remember much, some parts of the night before, were clear in his head, but he didn't remember much at all. "Not really," Louis mumbled, looking down and fiddling with his hands. He hoped to god that he didn't do anything embarrassing, that would be awful. Harry didn't wanna tell Louis what happened since Louis didn't remember, then it didn't matter, he thought.

One thing he did remember though, was that he found out Harry was the guy he met in the bathroom. Harry, of course didn't have to know that. Louis wanted to stay anonymous for as long as he could.

"Did something bad happen?" Louis asked, and looked over at Harry, who was already looking at him intensely. Harry put on a smile, and shook his head. "No, you just got really drunk, with Evan," Harry said, lying about the part that nothing bad had happened, but Louis believed everything Harry told him.

Furrowing his eyebrows together, he pressed his lips into a thin line. With Evan? He didn't remember partying with Evan, and he was utterly confused. He didn't like Evan, he was simply not Louis type, so why would he had hung out with the boy, it made no sense. "With Evan?" Louis asked hesitant.

"Well, you got really drunk. You must have forgotten who you were with," Harry said, and Louis nodded short after. Harry was right, he probably didn't care at the moment when he was having fun. Louis stayed silent, and let his glance fall to the floor. He was still unsure if something had happened between him and Harry, and he was too ashamed to ask. Harry noticed how Louis went silent, and worriedly sat quietly on the edge of the bed, fiddling with his hands nervously.

"You're okay love?" Harry asked softly, and went to stroke Louis back, when the boy suddenly stood up. Harry was confused, but let it go. He knew how Louis was, and he accepted it fully. "Harry... We didn't, like... Do anything, right?" Louis asked breathlessly, as he finally managed to ask Harry what he wanted. Heart beating faster than it normally would, he didn't dare to look up and meet Harry's gaze.

It took some seconds for Harry to understand what Louis meant, but as soon as he got it, he chuckled lightly. "No we didn't do anything, don't worry. I would never lay a hand on you, if I hadn't gotten your acceptance. Plus, you're in a relationship, remember?" Harry responded, smiling at the boy who was standing in front of him. Nodding slightly, Louis smiled himself. That's where Harry was so extremely different from Sebastian. Because Harry was caring, gentle, soft and respectful. Something Sebastian would never be.

I MET HIM IN THE BATHROOM // l.sWhere stories live. Discover now