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"Should I drive you home?" Harry asked, cocking his head to the side as he watched Louis put on his vans

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"Should I drive you home?" Harry asked, cocking his head to the side as he watched Louis put on his vans.

"No, it's okay. My mum is coming to pick me up," Louis softly replied, slipping into his shoes and fetching his jacket that was hung on a clothing-hook in the foyer. Nodding acceptingly, Harry leaned his head against the doorframe as he thought about last nights events and their love declarations towards each other this bright morning.


Too caught up in his own mind, Louis' eyes flickered when Harry spoke. "Yeah?"

"Are you gonna be alright?" Harry asked, motioning for Louis to come closer. Louis saw, and slowly, teasingly walked towards Harry with a shy smile on his bitten lips. Opening his arms up to embrace Louis, the younger boy gladly walked into the broader lads arms. "I'll be fine," Louis muttered.

Inhaling deeply, the smaller lad smiled gracefully when Harry's masculine scent embraced him, and utterly swallowed him. He felt safe like nothing could hurt him. Of course, he knew that would only last for a short moment.

A sharp honking was heard a few meters away, and Louis figured that it was his mom pulling up into the driveway outside the house. Pulling away from the hug, Louis looked up into Harry's emerald eyes. They were soft, and there was no hardness to them. Louis was in love with them, but of course, not as much as he was with Harry.

"I'm gonna go," Louis whispered.

Nodding, Harry planted a sweet kiss on Louis' forehead, making the younger boy swoon before him. Biting his lip, Louis said goodbye before walking out the door. As soon as he walked outside, the safe scent was gone and replaced by the cold crisp air biting into his skin.

"Hey," Louis greeted his mom as soon as he got in the car. A smile was planted on her lips as she took in the presence of her son.

Pulling out of the driveway, Harry was still stood in the doorframe, waving at the two. Louis' mom immediately started waving, not shy at all to express a big smile on her lips, whereas Louis was a little more shy with that.

"Harry, huh?" Jay started, a smirk planted on her lips.

Humming, Louis already knew where she was going. "Mom, before we start this talk, I just want you to know one thing," Louis started, inhaling deeply as he put on his seatbelt. A questioning look was now upon his sweet mother's face, anxious to hear what her son had to say.

"I uh- I broke up with Sebastian a while ago," Louis admitted, pressing his lips together, his gaze now meeting hers. Slowly nodding her head, her eyes were still on him. "Did you two not get along anymore?" She asked confused, also a tad concerned.

"Sebastian's changed, and he's got problems. Our relationship got to the point where it was unhealthy for the both of us," Louis explained, his gaze meeting the floor. He finally felt like it was a good time to open up to his mom about this, it's been too long of hiding it. A short silence fell upon them, and it was clear that his mom was thinking.

"Did he hurt you?" Jay asked calmly, tightly gripping onto the steering wheel.

"Yes," Swallowing thickly, Louis had expected the question to be asked. Hearing her sigh made him feel some kind of sick. He knew she wasn't disappointed in him, more likely sad that he had to go through that.

"Lou, why haven't you come to talk to me?" She asked sadly.

"You know I'm here for you, I only want what's best for you," Jay said. Louis already knew that she had always told him that since he was small. So why didn't he listen? He knew she cared.

"I know mom, I know," Louis said sadly, his gaze falling to the floor as he sighed. He knew he should have told her, but sometimes things seem like they would be better to just keep to yourself. That's what he's gotten so used to. Until Harry came and opened him up. Before that, he was as shut off as an oyster.

"By the way, someone named Liam called this morning, he said you weren't answering your calls," Jay told him. Furrowing his brows together, Louis didn't understand what could have been so urgent that Liam had to call his mom. "Did he say why he called?" Louis confusedly asked his mom.

"No, he just told me to tell you to call him back,"

Nodding slowly, Louis' eyebrows were still furrowed, creating a confused look on his face. Was it something about yesterday? At the party? Why was Liam so eager to talk to Louis?

When they got home, Louis walked straight to his room to make a call to Liam. The first two times Louis called Liam didn't answer. After a third try, the line was finally picked up.

"Hey Liam," Louis said.


"Yeah, what's up? You've been calling, and I've been busy," - sort of busy.

"Are you alright?" Liam asked worriedly, a silence falling after having asked the question.

"Why does everyone always ask me if I'm alright? I'm fine, okay? What are you so worried about Liam?" Louis said sassily, sighing overdramatically into the phone that was pressed to his ear.

"I just noticed something on your arm last night at the party. It looked like scars, so I just wanted to call you and make sure you're okay," Liam said, instantly making Louis feel like a total a-hole. He was just so tired of people always asking if he was okay, that he would comment on it this time. What scars was he talking about anyway?

"What do you mean, scars?" Louis asked confused, holding the phone tightly pressed against his ear and collarbone, while he tried to look for scars on his arms. And that's when it hit him. Those scars. Of course.

"Louis I think you're playing me right now, and it's okay if you don't wanna share it with me. I just wanted to make sure that you're okay, and that you're not out to hurt yourself,"

Liam was always so sweet, and so mature, always looking out for Louis. And that made Louis feel like a totally immature little brat. Why did he have so much sass to give, when he could just play it nice?

A lump was suddenly formed in Louis' throat, and it was all too hard to swallow. "Liam, listen. I'm sorry. I guess I should have told you sooner," Louis admitted, chewing on his nails.

A sigh was heard on the other end of the line. "Lou, you're not obligated to tell me. I just worry," Liam said softly. Smiling sincerely, Louis pressed his lips together. How did he manage to find such a great friend?

"Louis?" Jay shouted through the house.

Furrowing his eyebrows together, Louis quickly excused himself. "I have to go Li, I'll see you," Louis said, and quickly hung up. Throwing his phone onto the bed, he ran downstairs to find his mom, sitting on the couch, an unreadable expression planted on her face.

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