14:38 MONDAY

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It was the same day, just a couple of hours later

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It was the same day, just a couple of hours later. Harry found himself sitting in the same exact stall as he had been in this morning.

As the day had passed, Harry hadn't been able to concentrate in his classes, due to the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened earlier that morning. It shook him to the bone, and he had immediately regretted it when he had left the poor boy in the bathroom to himself. He didn't even know this boy, or at least he didn't think he did. It could be anyone behind the wall. But Harry had a feeling that he didn't know the boy behind the wall.

Standing just in front of the toilet, Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Not alone would it awkward if the boy was not there, but talking in the bathroom was just something you did not do.


Harry whispered, almost cringing at his rough scratchy voice in the quiet bathroom.

This was stupid Harry thought to himself, there's no chance the guy would still be in stall. It had been about seven hours, since he last went to use the bathroom, when he noticed the boy who was crying.

Harry had been quietly standing in the bathroom, for about a good fifteen minutes, in the exact stall as last time he went to the bathroom that morning. After the fifteen minutes had passed, Harry had unlocked the door and left the stall. Instead of standing in the stall waiting for a reply he probably wouldn't get, he went to stand in front of the mirrors in the boys school bathroom, to fix his hair.

When he decided on not waiting any longer, he unlocked the door and was on his way out. He was just about to slam the door open, when he heard twice a knock on one of the thin stall walls, a sign that the boy was still in the stall. A sudden increased heart beat followed the reaction.

Suddenly feeling nervous, Harry hesitantly walked back into the bathroom and leaned against a wall beside the big mirror hanging on the wall. Thinking about where to start off, Harry thought it was a great idea to start off with a apology, since he felt bad about leaving earlier. It wasn't like he was the greatest at speeches, but he would figure something out.

"Listen, you're obviously dealing with something. And I'm sorry for running off, I guess I just got scared?" Harry apologized and sighed quietly, hoping the boy would answer.

After waiting about three minutes in silence, small sniffles could be heard. Harry almost hit himself, feeling frustrated that he couldn't communicate with the depressed boy.

"Oh god, fuck" Harry groaned and rubbed his hands frustrated over his face. He closed his eyes and slammed his head against the cold tiles on the wall, taking deep breaths, trying to think of ways to handle the situation. The knocking methode, of fucking course.

"We're just gonna try this methode okay, and if It's stupid you tell me, ok? If you want me to get help you knock once, if you want me to leave you alone you knock twice."

Harry said, feeling really innovative, and nice.

Not long after, two knocks banging on the door could be heard.

You could say Harry was happy the boy wanted to cooperate, but he certainly wasn't happy that he wanted to be left alone, when Harry had just gained the courage to come talk.

"Okay, this is officially stupid. Me leaving you alone is not an option anymore, that was a stupid option anyway. I'm gonna get a friend of yours, who can help you-"

Much to his annoyance, Harry was interrupted by the sound of a door opening behind him, his eyes rolling back in frustration. Harry didn't even care that it was his close friend Zayn, he just wanted to be alone with this guy, so he could talk to him without being interrupted.

"You talking to the ghosts now Styles? I swear to god, you are me when I am high, only thing is you are not high right now, did you forget to take your meds?" Zayn chuckled and poked at Harry's shoulder, only gaining an eye-roll from the curly haired lad.

"Shush it Malik, I'm just taking a break," Harry lied, and looked anywhere but Zayn's eyes. "Whatevs', hey, have you heard about the bathroom crier? Someone heard crying in here this morning, It's said It was pretty wild, sobs and all, but to me it just seems like someones being a pussy," Zayn chuckled, fixing his hair in the mirror.

"I mean, who even cries? It's 2017!" Zayn huffed, fixing the last pieces of hair on his head, making sure he looked good enough to walk out of the bathroom again.

Harry kept his eyes focused at the ground, fire raging inside of them, being frustrated that Zayn had to be such a dick. The poor boy who had been crying, could be dealing with something serious, but Zayn didn't give a flying fuck. "Well, no I didn't knew that," lies, lies, lies. "To me it just sounds like someone is being a pussy, who needs a pounding, so he can man up." Zayn laughed, and made it very clear that he was serious about this whole thing. Harry was feeling frustrated for being interrupted. "Anyways, I'll go now, have fun.. with the ghosts, oooooh" Zayn joked and made some pretty stupid grimaces at Harry as he left.

The door slammed shut which made Harry sigh in relief. Harry was just about to continue the one handed conversation he had going on before Zayn had walked in, when a small weak voice spoke up, making Harrys eyes go wide.

"Can you just leave me alone, please?"

I MET HIM IN THE BATHROOM // l.sWhere stories live. Discover now