3. Leave Me Alone

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We walked into the large house filled with drunk teenagers, crowds of people dancing, and blasting music. I followed closely behind my friends as they searched for the host of the party, Leo.

"There he is." Naomi pointed out.

We walked up to him and Jordan was the first to speak.

"Thanks for the invite." Jordan smiled.

"Hey, no problem. Glad you guys could make it."

He pulled her in for a hug, and gave Naomi and I a handshake.

"We'll be over here." I said to Jordan, pulling Naomi with me as I walked away from them.

"They're so cute. Why won't they just date?" Naomi gushed.

"Good question." I laughed.

"Hey, let's go get something to drink." She suggested.

I agreed and followed her into the kitchen. She went straight for the alcohol, but as of right now, I wasn't really in a drinking mood. I grabbed a soda instead and waited for Naomi to get her drink.

"Soda?" She asked, pointing to my can of Dr. Pepper.

"Yeah. I don't really want to drink right now." I explained.

She shrugged it off and started moving towards the crowds of people dancing.

"Come on." She smiled.

I smiled and joined her on the dance floor. We were both messing around, dancing crazily with no one in particular. She started dancing with the guy she liked, Will, and I danced with some other guy.

The whole time I danced with him, I could see someone staring at me from the corner of my eye. Letting curiosity get the best of me, I turned my head to look at the person. Of course it was none other than Austin.

Why is he starting to pop up everywhere I go? Maybe he's always been around and i've just never noticed.

I pushed my thoughts aside and turned back to the guy I was dancing with. The song ended and I thanked him for the dance.

"Yeah no problem." He smiled.

"Okay, well-"

"Wait. I was, um, wondering if I could get your number?" He asked nervously.

"Of course." I blushed. "My phone's in my bag though, so if you want to come with me to go get it, we can exchange numbers."

"Sure, let's go."

He followed me to where I had earlier placed my bag. I took out my phone and handed it to him, while he handed me his.

I put my number into his phone and gave it back when I was done. When he was finished, I put my phone back into my bag.

"By the way, my name is Scott." He said.

"I'm Ava." I smiled.

"It was nice meeting you. Maybe we can hang out some time." He smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I blushed.

"Me too."

We gave each other a quick hug before I walked off.

I looked back to where Austin was standing, and he was still there. And, he was still staring at me. I walked into the kitchen to get another drink, hoping he'd follow me so I could talk to him. He did.

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