Loving You Is My Favorite Thing To Do

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Approximately 6 weeks later.



"He's growing at the rate he should, he looks healthy and happy, everything is go well." The pediatrician said to me as I held Ethan in my arms.

"He's not too chunky? He's been eating nonstop and I just started trying formula to switch it up but he doesn't like it very much." I said.

"Every baby is different. I'd give it a few more months then try again but if he's taking the breast milk well then don't try to force anything else. As for you and your health, still stick to your diet but other than that, no more updates."

"Can we..."

"Yes, you're clear for sex." The doctor said. "Let me get a copy of his record and then you can go. No shots today for you mister." She said to Ethan who was squirming on the bed.

The door closed and Edward climbed off of Harry's lap to go mess with the cotton balls and swaps on the counter but he couldn't reach.

"Are you feeling up for it tonight, baby?" Harry asked me and I sighed. "We don't have to. We can wait for whenever you're ready." He assured me.

"My body has stretch marks all over, I look disgusting." I mumbled.

"You're far from disgusting. I've seen you naked since you've gave birth and I still think you're beautiful and I will continue to think you're beautiful until the day I die. Even when you're all wrinkly and everything is sagging." He said.

"Everything is already sagging." I whined. Childish, I know but I've lost my self confidence so many times even though my body has carried three- four babies.

"No it isn't. You still look 19." He said. "If anything, I think you've gotten more beautiful which is unbelievable to me because I thought you couldn't get any cuter."

I gently placed Ethan in his car seat and tucked his blankets around him. "If I'm not exhausted and Ethan isn't being too fussy then we can." I said. "Or I can just suck you off." I smirked up at him and his eyes widen.

"In front of the children?" He gaped at me. I mean Edward is occupied with trying to climb up the counter and Ethan is half asleep but I never openly say anything sexual. I always get on Harry for making sexual comments in front of them but it's been so long and I love seeing him squirm.

"It's been awhile and I know you were already thinking it." I shrugged. "If I'm not feeling up for it then that doesn't mean you have to suffer."

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He wrapped my arms around my waist and I turned my head to look at him.

"Everyday." I smiled.

He kissed my temple a few times before pulling away. "Edward," He walked over to him after he fell on his bum for the third time, yet he still wanted to keep trying. "You're going to hurt yourself."

"Fall on bum." He pouted up at Harry before reaching up so he could hold him.

"I know you fell on your bum, you have to be careful." He told him. "I can carry Ethan and Edward can walk." Harry said to me.

"No, no, no." Edward clung to him and refused to be put down.

"Edward, are you a big boy?"

"... Big boy." He agreed.

"Remember when we talked about big boys walking by themselves? You can hold mummy's hand." I took him from Harry's arms and placed him on the ground.

"Up, peas." He gave my puppy dogs eyes and I obviously gave into him. He's too cute not to give him what he wants and he always takes advantage of that. "Tank you." He smiled, grabbing my face and kissing my cheek. I live for his kisses

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