Mother's Day

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This isn't really part of the story (like a chapter), just consider it an imagine.

Harry's POV

It's officially mother's day eve and I still haven't got Y/N a gift yet. I know, I'm the worst husband ever but Y/N constantly tells me that she doesn't want a gift which I know is an obvious lie because if I didn't get her a gift she would hate me.

Now, a typical husband would buy his wife flowers and chocolate but Y/N deserves better...

"Dada!! Are we leaving now?!" Darcy all but screamed through out the house, I shushed her and she did the same back to me. Putting her right index finger over her lips. Monkey see, monkey do.

"Darcy I told you to be quiet. We don't want your mummy catching us do we?" I whispered, helping her put he coat on.

"Sorry." She giggled. With Y/N being a house mum it's hard to leave without her noticing but luckily today she's sleeping in, Edward kept her up all night with an upset tummy.

"Do you have your purse?" I asked her and she nods, struggling to put her boots on. I would help her but then she'll give me a baby lecture on how she's a big girl and she can do it herself. She's so independent like her mother.

After a while she finally stood up and reached for my hand. "Are you gonna buy mummy a pretty gift?" She asked, looking up at me.

"Yessss, what do you have in mind for your mum?" I sang, quietly closing the door behind us and carrying her to the car.

"I made her a drawing of me, you, and Edward! But I accidentally dumped my sparkles on it so now it's all glittery and ruined." She pouted.

I buckled her in her booster seat then got in the front seat and drove out of the driveway.

"I'm sure your mum would still love it." I smiled at her through the rear view mirror. The first thing on my to do list is to go to the spa to schedule Y/N an appointment for tomorrow.

Stupid traffic, the last thing I need is to be running late and off schedule today. "Daddy!!" Darcy squealed and I panicked, looking back at her to see that she was pointing out of the window. "There's a pink car next to us!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and put my hand over my heart, she really loves pink. "Baby, you're not supposed to scare the driver." I mumbled, gripping onto the steering wheel.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, look out at the car that is now driving past us. She's always amazed at the littlest things. "We should buy mummy a new car, her old one just sits in the garage. Do you think she'll like a pink one?.. Can you get me a pink car?!" She babbled.

"Are you a mother?" I raised an eyebrow at her and she nods. "Baby dolls don't count."

"Yes they do! I'm the one who has to feed them and buy new diapers all the time." She sassed, referring to her baby alive doll. "I think I deserve a present for mothers day." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well I guess you can get your nails done with your mummy tomorrow." I said, hoping to cheer her up a bit. She instantly smiled and quietly cheered to herself. She's so spoiled but it's practically my fault since it pains me to tell her no.

So we arrived at the spa to schedule Y/N's appointment for tomorrow then got back in the car to head to the nail salon for Darcy and Y/N's appointment to be schedule.

"Daddy can I buy mummy something from the mall?" Darcy asked. Perfect, my last stop is to get Y/N's jewelry from the jewelry store.

"Of course. What are you planning on buying her?" I grinned, starting the car back up.

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