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Y/n's Pov

"Why are you so grumpy bub? You ate, I burped you, you're not wet. What's wrong?" I cooed at Ethan who had his face scrunched up, crying. "Do you miss daddy? He'll be back. He's getting your sister ready for school."

I swaddled him in his blanket and gently bounced him, humming quietly so he could stop crying. "Mummy's here."

Someone gently knocked on the door before it was pushed open. "Good morning my loves. We could hear you crying all the way down the hall." Harry said.

"He's so grumpy."

"You miss daddy?" Harry held his hands out for Ethan. "I was coming back." Ethan soon calmed down in Harry's arms, much to my dismay. "Why are you giving mummy a hard time? She was up all night with you and she's tired. You can't cry on her." He pressed multiple kisses to his forehead.

"I want to kiss him too." Darcy tugged on Harry's pajama pants.

Harry leaned down to Darcy's level and held Edward out to her as she kissed his cheeks.

"See, you're so loved. You don't have to be grumpy." Harry cooed. "Be good for mumma. I have to help Darcy finish getting ready." He stood back up and handed Ethan back to me. "I love you, okay. I'll be back."

"See, he's still here. I know you like his voice, don't you? I like it too. He can sing you to sleep later." I said, gently kissing his nose as he moved his mouth, attempting to squirm close to me. "You're hungry again?"

I began nursing him again and he gratefully began eating.

I turned the tv on, leaving the volume low so I wouldn't disturb him. I watched the baby monitor, looking at Edward through the screen as he moved around in his crib.

I pressed the speaker button so he could hear me through the receiving end of the baby monitor in his room. "Edward, stay in your crib."

He grabbed his stuffed dolphin and stood up, holding onto his crib bars.

He dropped the dolphin on his floor and began climbing out of his crib despite me relatedly telling him to stay in.

He climbed down so far before he fell on his butt and got up, grabbing his stuffed dolphin then leaving his room.

I didn't bother getting up to check on him because I knew he was coming to my bedroom.

The door handle jiggled a little before Edward came toddling in.

"Edward, I know you heard me. I told you to stay in your crib." I said.

"I fall down." He rubbed his bum and pouted up at me.

"I know. You're not supposed to get out of your crib. Remember mumma and daddy told you that we'll come get you when you wake up?" He walked over to the bed and pulled himself up.

"I want to lay with mumma." He crawled up to me and laid his head against my thigh.

I couldn't never stay mad at him for too long. He's too adorable. "Okay bub, we can cuddle but no more climbing out of your crib."

"No fall down." He nodded his head and patted my thigh with his hand, indicating that he wanted me to pat his back. He loves back rubs.

"Yeah, no more falling down." I said, gently rubbing his back and he continued to pat my thigh.


"Darcy's almost leaving, she wants to give you and Ethan another kiss." Harry poked his head in the room as I was finishing up with feeding Ethan. "Edward, did you climb out of your crib again?"

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now