Cutie Pie

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"Our last day in Greece. What do you want to do?" Harry asked, groping my arse in his hands. I melted into him and slowly kissed the corner of his lips before making my way down to his neck.

It's been fun touring around Greece for the week even though I miss my babies like crazy... Harry and I had our alone time which was relaxing. But I really enjoyed swimming with the dolphins.

"I was thinking of going for a swim but whatever you want." I shrugged, planting a finally kiss back on his cheek and pulled away to continue eating a few chocolate strawberries that was delivered to us by one of our neighbors. They really are wonderful people.

"As long as that's an excuse for me to see you in a bikini. I'm in." He smirked, gripping my arse a little tighter. "I can't wait for your bump to grow. You make a sexy pregnant lady and I'm the only one who gets to worship all of your beauty. Evey. Single. Day." He smiled in between kisses.

"I look like a bloated hippo but whatever floats your boat." I shrugged, patting his chest.

He released me from his arms and slipped his shirt over his head. "You would make one sexy hippo." He winked at me. "Go change and I'll meet you outside."

I huffed and dug in my drawers to find the only bikini that I haven't worn yet. It was white with yellow polka dots on it. I used to hate wearing bikinis but Harry loves how it squeezes my figure and likes seeing me all exposed so I feel comfortable wearing them now.

After I slid out of my clothes and put my bikini on, I put my hair up in a bun and went outside to see Harry sitting on the edge of the pool, with his feet in.

"Aw, look how cute you look." He practically shouted and I tried to avoid looking at him because I knew I would blush. "So stunning babe." He coed.

"Stop." I mumbled, looking down at my feet and put my phone on the lounge chair, next to our towels. Yes, Harry still makes me shy when he blurts out compliments to me. But I can't help it.

"You look like a model. Turn around for me." He smirked and I scuffed.

"And you sound like you could be my gay best friend. Stop drawling attention to me."

"Need I remind you, we're in our gated, private backyard. Plus I'll draw as much attention to you as I can, you look gorgeous." He said, motioning for me to come sit next to him.

I shuffled over to him and sat down, kicking my feet in the cool water. "I really like this on you." He pointed to the hickey that constantly tries to go away but he keeps bring it back. "It shows that you're obviously taken so no one can hit on you."

"It scares most guys away when they see a bruise on my neck the size of a golf ball but your daughter on the other hand is a curious little girl. What will she think when she sees this?" I narrowed at eyes at him and he frowned.

"Doesn't matter as long as she doesn't come home with one." He shrugged. "Unless she wants whoever gave it to her to die."

"If you don't want her to have one in the future, you're setting a bad example by giving me o-" I couldn't even finish my statement before a squeal left my mouth after Harry pushed me into the pool. Ugh! That little- "Harry!!" I shrieked after I resurfaced and splashed him with water. I didn't want to get my hair wet.

"This isn't the first time I got you wet." He smirked down at me and I tilted his head back, laughing at the situation I was currently in. I of course, retaliated by pulling in the water from his ankles. But it's not like he didn't see this coming.

When he didn't resurface after awhile I began to worry until he pulled me underneath the water with him and forced my thighs around his waist. Kissing my lips softly and it almost felt magical. Like I were in some kind of movie and everything slowed down a bit.

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now