The Big One

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(Ignore the name on the cake)


Y/n's Pov

The last few weeks of my pregnancy  have been stressful.

With planning a one year old's birthday party to preparing for your husband to leave for tour, comes with a lot on organizing and packing and having to deal with Harry leaving.

It's been hard.

"Are you sure about this baby? I can always cancel tour. I know the timing isn't ordeal right now and I'm sure the fans will understand our situation." Harry said as he snapped Edward in the car. We're on the way to his one year appointment, ironically two days before his birthday.

"No, no, no. I want you to go on tour and have fun. If anything, time couldn't be more perfect. You're only gonna be gone for 6 weeks so by the time you get back, I'll be 5 and a half months pregnant by then which is going into my third trimester so you get to look forward to me nagging you all the time." I said. "Really Harry, it's alright."

"I just worry about you. What if something happens and I'm all the way on the other side of the world? I'll have to live with that guilt forever." He sighed.

"We'll be fine. Your mom is 20 minutes down the road if anything serious happens. Niall and Mia are only a few blocks away, Gemma is within one hour driving distance, and you're one phone call away." I said.

He made sure both, Edward and Darcy were secure in their seats before opening up the driver's door and getting in. "But you're so early in your pregnancy. I'm gonna miss a lot."

"Just me swelling up like a watermelon." I sarcastically rolled my eyes.

"And being cute..." He mumbled.

I plugged in my phone to the car charger and turned the radio station to toddler tunes.

"Send me pictures of your bump everyday." He said. "I want to see our little peanuts growing."

"I will." I nod.

"And you'll update me with everything? Ultrasound pictures, the babies kicking, Darcy kissing your tummy?" He asked.

"Of course." I agreed. "I'll spam your phone every second of the day."



"He's growing normally, his weight is perfect for his height..." The doctor said. "Although he's more advanced in his speech rather than walking but that's nothing to worry about because he still has time to catch up... His temperature is 98.6 which is good. All he needs now is a few shots."

I clutched Edward in my lap a little tighter at the doctor's words. He hates shots.

"He's a tough little guy." The doctor said. "I'll go get the vaccine."

"Harry can you hold him please? I don't want him to hate me." I said.

"Okay. Come here little monkey." Harry reached his arms out for Edward but he buried his face in my neck.


"It's alright, buddy. You can go to daddy." I assured him but he only clung to me tighter.

"I think he knows he's gonna get a shot." Harry sighed.

"But you're such a brave little baby." I mumbled. "It'll be okay." I rubbed his back.

The doctor came back in the room and instructed that I strip Edward naked so he can get a shot in his bum and arm.

It was a struggle, he didn't want to corporate, he was a fidgeting mess, he kicked at the doctor- resulting in Harry and I having to hold him down while the doctor quickly inserted him with the vaccine.

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now