Chapter 47

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Just a quick thank you for everyone who has read this far because I know my book sucked in the beginning because I had like, zero writing experience so thanks for putting up with me. ❤️


Harry's POV

"This is how you brush your teeth, see?" Y/n demonstrated to Edward as she slowly ran a toothbrush across is four, tiny, teeth.

She has him standing on the bathroom counter, she's behind him, of course to support him, and they're both by the sink, starring at the mirror in front of them.

He smiled, pointing at her reflection in the mirror before clapping his hands.

"Yeah, that's mumma. And that's you." She softly poked his belly, causing him to giggle.

I sat up in the bed, stretching a bit before heading over to them. "Good morning, lovelies. How are you?" I pressed a kiss to Y/n's cheek before leaning down to kiss Edward's forehead.

"We were brushing our teeth. We even made a little song for it but it's top secret, only for us." She smirked, blowing a raspberry on Edward's cheek.

I nod, stepping towards the shower to turn on the water, humming the tune that I heard Y/n singing to Edward earlier.

"Hey, you were spying on us." She gasped, reaching over to pinch my bum.

"You shouldn't leave the door open." I shrugged, smiling to myself as I began stripping down.

"Come on, bubba, we'll go wake up your sister." She took Edward from the bathroom and closed the door behind her as I stepped in the shower.


"How does the baby get out of your tummy?" Darcy curiously asked, her lucky charms were starting to get soggy after all of her questions.

"When I go to the doctor, I have to push the baby out." Y/n explained and Darcy frowned,

"Where does it come out at?"

Y/n looked over at me for help as I stuffed my face with breakfast biscuits. Not going there with my daughter. I've already had to have a very cringeworthy conversation with her and she's only 3. "A place that's way too tiny to push a baby out at." She glared at me. It's not that hard getting it in though, is what I wanted to say to her but she'd surely kill me.

"Like, your toes?" Darcy asked. She's so adorably innocent.

"Sorta... You'll understand when you're older, babe. Until then, no need to worry. Now, eat your breakfast." Y/n rubbed her back and sighed. Luckily, Darcy continued eating her cereal and forgot all about the conversation.

"She's a little curious George, isn't she?" I chuckled at Y/n's facial expression.

"Very curious. I didn't know 3 year olds had so many questions running through their head." Y/n sighed, placing her hand on her already slightly swollen belly.

I can't believe we're having another baby. I just love our babies so much and I want at least half a dozen. Can never have too many babies.

"You look absolutely gorgeous today, as you do everyday, of course. But you're glowing. You look like an actual goddess if that's even humanly possible." I admired her and she took a sip of her coffee, blushing a bit.

"I haven't even done my hair for the day, you're just saying that." She mumbled.

"No, I mean it." I smiled. "Darcy, isn't your mumma beautiful?"

"Yes. She looks like a princess." Darcy nodded, munching on her cereal.

"A queen." I corrected her, reaching for her hand so I could press kisses to her knuckles.

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