Chapter 49

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"Up, up, up. We have a doctor's appointment today, baby." Harry woke me up by opening the curtains and letting in the light.

I groaned and put the pillow over my head. "Leave me alone."

"That's no way to talk to the guy who bought you your favorite fruit parfait, is it?" He smirked, lifting the pillow off of my head.

"You bought my favorite fruit parfait?" I smiled up at him as he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"Bought. Going to buy. Same thing. But get up, we have to leave in less than an hour." He chuckled, punching my bum.

"I hate you." I groaned, sitting up.

"And I love you too." He left the room to go get Darcy ready for school.

Meanwhile, I got in the shower, did my hair, and got dressed. When I came out of the bathroom I was greeted by a very adorable Edward eating a cracker and standing at the foot of the bed.

"Moooma." He squealed, toddling over to me, nearly tripping over his feet in the process.

"Hi baby. Are you ready to go to the doctor's office with mummy today? It's not for you, it's for me." I sat him on the bed and lifted my shirt up to show him my slightly grown belly. "What's in there?"

He looked up at me, confused. "Gah." He lifted up his shirt and pointed to his chubby belly.

I giggled and tugged his shirt back down. "No, silly. In my belly. Do you know what's in there?... A baby. You're gonna be a big brother." I cautiously explained.

"Ba ba." He pointed to my stomach and smiled.

"Close. A baby. There's gonna be a new baby that's gonna live with us." I watched him crawl towards me until his hands reached out to touch my stomach. "Hugs?" He leaned his head on my belly and squealed.

"Ba ba!"

I'm so happy he understands. The last time we brought up a baby in my belly, he didn't exactly get the concept.

"Yes. Mummy's having a ba ba." I giggled. I lifted him back up and took my purse so we could head downstairs.

"Here, mummy." Darcy appeared in the hallway with her stuffed pig. "You can take Mr. Oinkers with you to the doctor." She handed it over to me, making me smile.

"Aww, thank you, princess. But I don't think I'll need him, it's just a check up." I said.

"But those are scary too." She pouted. "And daddy has to hold your hand because he always makes me feel better when he holds mine."

"Then I'll make sure to do just that." Harry chuckled, kissing my cheek. "Don't worry about your mummy, she's be fine."

"But what about those pokey needles? Will she have to get one of those in her arm? Or her bum like Edward did?" She asked, holding onto my thigh.

"No, no, no. She's just going to make sure the baby's fine." Harry lifted her into his arms and gave her a giant kiss on the cheek.

"Okay... Today we're finger painting and Isaac is bringing me a cupcake because it's our annieverparty." She said.

"Anniversary." Harry corrected. "And why would that little sh- I mean, how long has the lovely couple been together?"

"I think a long time, a few months is what Isaac told me yesterday because his mummy said it's been awhile." She stated. "So I'm bringing him a cookie."

"A cookie and a cupcake? That's cute, princess."

"I know. Or teacher Ms. S sat us next to each other because she said we work better together with our shapes. So Isaac's my coloring and shapes partner. Penny helps me with the letters though."

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