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1 week without Harry

"Wow, you're absolutely beautiful, love." Harry beamed from the video call I was having with him. "I can't believe you're 4 months pregnant today."

"I know. It looks more like I'm 8. These babies are growing like crazy." I placed my hand on my stomach and looked at my reflection.

"You're glowing." He smiled. "And I see you've been eating nothing but chips." He commented and I looked over my shoulder to see the two empty bags of chips I devoured this morning.

"The babies have your taste buds. I've been craving potato chips since Monday." I said. "Poor Niall has to deal with two pregnant women asking him to make trips to the store." I said.

"I'm sure he doesn't mind." Harry shrugged. "Where are my other babies?"

"Edward is taking a nap and Darcy is baking cookies with your mum and Isaac." I said.

"Is he keeping his distance?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, they're standing two feet apart." I sarcastically said.

"Can I see her? I want to know all about her day in school. Yesterday she said she had a drawing that she was working on for me and she wanted it to be really pretty so she took her time on it."

"She brought it home today." I smiled, heading downstairs. "Darcy... Want to show daddy you're painting?" I turned the camera to her and her face lit up.

"Yes! I drew you on stage, daddy." She said, hopping off the step stool and walking to the refrigerator to retrieve the masterpiece. "Look." She showed the screen.

"Wow! That's very sweet of you, princess. It looks beautiful. And you even drew my guitar." He pointed out. It was the best art work that I've ever seen done by a three year old.

"Yeah, Isaac helped me color it." She said. "He said we should paint it blue but I made him paint it yellow."

"It's pretty. I love it. I wish I had it with me so I could tape it on my microphone stand every night." He said. "Did you have fun at school today?"

"Yes. We finished finger painting and read the 'Tortoise and the Heir', I really liked the ending." She said.

"That's a good book. Did you learn the lesson of it?"

"Yes. The tortoise will always win." She nods.

"No, well, yes, but no. The lesson is, slow and steady wins the race." Harry said. "It means that taking your time will always help you in the long run rather than rushing through."

"Oh... Mrs. S said tomorrow we're reading The Cat in the Hat." She said.

"You'll like that book." Harry said. "Remember to stay away from boys though." He said through the phone. "No holding hands or hugging or kissing."

"Daddy, that's icky! Me and Isaac don't kiss." She cringed.

"Good, make sure you keep it that way."


2 weeks without Harry

Anne went home on Friday. Although she left enough frozen meals in the freezer to last us for at least 3 weeks.

I decided to take the kids out for ice cream. Darcy got strawberry, Edward got a baby scoop of vanilla, and I got two scoops of chocolate.

The little parlor was mainly empty, except for one old couple eating ice cream in the booth towards the window. They remind me of Harry and I, only older.

"Mummy, Edward is using his hands." Darcy interrupted my thoughts.

I looked down at my lap and seen Edward sticking his hand in his ice cream, getting his hand and face all sticky. He innocently looked up at me and offered his hand.

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now