Chapter 28

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It was 4 in the morning when Harry shook me awake because Edward was being fussy again. I just wish Harry would get up to get him but he "doesn't function properly" in the morning. Well I like to sleep too!

"He's been crying for 30 minutes, go get him." Hardy whined, placing a pillow over his head.

"If he's been crying and you've been up, why don't you get him?" I groaned, snuggling myself deeper in the covers.

"Because he's probably hungry and I don't have the boobs to feed him." He huffed.

"Well feed him the formula." I mumbled

"I can't. I'm too tired." I sighed, getting up but not before hitting him with my pillow. I slipped on my house shoes and wandered into Edward's nursery room.

He was standing up in his crib, holding onto the railing, and my poor baby had snot running down his cheeks.

"Aw. What's wrong?" My heart melted when he locked eyes with me and started reaching for me. I immediately walked over to him and picked him up.

He looked terrified, maybe he had a nightmare or something. I held him until he finally calmed down and then got a baby wipe to clean his face.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, looking down at his tired eyes. He was clenching onto my shirt and clearly didn't want me to put him down. "You can come and sleep with mummy and daddy." I mumbled, kissing his forehead.

I slowly creeped back into our room where Harry was sleeping so I laid Edward in between us. "If you keep letting him sleep with us, he'll never want to sleep on his own." Harry mumbled into his pillow.

I was surprised he was still awake. "How did you known he was in here?" I held Edward close to me although he didn't seem to be falling asleep anytime soon. He was playing with the tips of my hair.

"We have the receiving end of the baby monitor so I heard you." He sighed, lifting the pillow from his head.

"Well he was having a nightmare so I had to bring him." I said, lightly creasing his tear stained cheeks.

"Put him to sleep and take him back to the nursery." Harry suddenly sat up and narrowed his eyes at me.

"No, I can't do that. What if he wakes up and sees I'm not there?" I held Edward closer to me as if it were to keep Harry away from him.

"He'll be in the room across the hall! Now the sun's almost out and I really want more sleep so go put him to bed and come cuddle with me." Harry groaned. I have no idea how he could be so demanding and still a softie at that. Only something Harry can pull off.

"This is why Edward likes me more." I mumbled, scooping him up and cuddled him.

"He does not." Harry mumbled back.

"He does too. I'm the one who carried him inside of me for 9 months, I'm the one who provides milk for him, and I'm the one who let's him sleep with me when he has nightmares." I argued back to him.

"You can't count that. If we were playing favorites then Edward would choose me." Harry seemed to be challenging in the wee hours in the morning. Silly Harry.

"Okay well then why don't you put him to sleep?" I said, gently handing Edward over to him. "See how hard it is to leave him there." I crossed my arms over my chest.

Harry's POV

"He's a baby! It's a lot easier than you think and I'll show you." I groaned, getting out of bed to take Edward back to his nursery where he belongs.

It can't be that hard to put him to sleep and leave him in his crib just like any other night. Y/n just has a sweet spot for babies- especially her own so of course I have to take charge.

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