Who likes doctors?

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I hated it. I hated, having to wake up at 6 to get ready for our doctor's appointment especially when I was up 2 hours ago with my head hanging over the toilet and throwing up my whole stomach.

But I needed to get up now in order to get Darcy, Edward, and Harry up so we can be at our appointment on time. I yawned, sitting up to get out of bed and gently shook Harry. "Get up."

"No, five more minutes please." He groaned, cuddling into his pillow and snuggled the covers up to his neck.

"No, I need you to get up now to change Edward." I demanded, pulling the blankets off of him and opened the curtains.

"Edward will be cranky all day if we wake him up now, why couldn't you schedule an afternoon appointment?" He whined.

"You were the one who scheduled the appointment! So get your lazy arse up and get in that nursery." I patted his bum in order for him to spring into action but he only dragged himself out of bed.

"I hate the doctor's office." Was the only thing he mumbled before leaving the room.

And that was the start of a beautiful morning. No, I'm just kidding! It. Was. Horrible.

Harry somehow managed to change Edward's diaper and put on his overalls without waking him up but Darcy was a complete mess. She didn't want to get out of bed, she was clinging to me like a sloth, and Harry was no help whatsoever.

"Mummy, I don't wanna get any shots. They poke me and it hurts." Darcy pouted, snuggling unto my neck as I packed the diaper bag.

"Oh sweetie, you need to get your flu shots, daddy's getting one, Edward's getting one, and I am too. It'll be over before you know it." I mumbled but that only made her whine.

"W-what? You said nothing about me getting a shot." Harry said from behind me.

"Harry, be mature about this." I glared at him because it's not like I like needles. Nobody does. But a shot is a shot, and we need to take it.

"No. I thought this was an appointment for you. You know, with the baby and heath check ups. Not shots. They don't like them. I don't like them. I refuse to go if that's what we're doing." He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as if he had an option. Darcy did the same and if Edward were up, he'd do the same too. Well, slightly.


It was hectic. Edward woke up on the way to the hospital, started crying because he got car sick which made two of us, Darcy eventually fell back to sleep after she finished munching on the crackers I gave her, and Harry was a pouty mess in the front seat.

So when we got in the parking lot and I parked the car, I had to get the stroller out by myself, carry Edward because he didn't want to be put down, and help Darcy buckle the seatbelt.

"Harry, will you not act like a baby for five minutes and get out of the car so we can make it to our appointment on time, please." I said, trying to tug him out of the car while still trying to keep Edward from slipping.

"But you didn't tell me ahead of time that I was getting a shot. How can I be sure it's only one? What if she missed the vain and has to poke me 4 times?" He frowned as he got out of the door anyway and slowly started to push Darcy in the stroller.

"Be brave Hairbear." I said in a baby voice that made Edward giggle and slobber on my shirt.

We entered the cold hospital and went to the front desk to let them know I was here for my check up. The doctor just so happened to be arriving at the same time though so I was brought to the back immediately.

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now