Our Not So Fun Family Beach Day

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Okay, I'm gonna republish this because I couldn't see the whole chapter and I don't know if it went through. Sorry!


So I got this request like a long time ago but I never get around to it because I had bad writers block and if you remember requesting this (I forgot you username, sorry) then this is way overdue but better late than never right?

A Beach Day.


I woke up feeling kind of soar but what else is new? And Harry decided to get up, singing loudly while he showered which woke up our kids because they heard their dad's oh so lovely, annoying voice.

So I had to get up and make breakfast for them, putting Edward in his highchair and Darcy sat in her chair. "Can I have waffles?" Darcy asked, watching me get the toaster out.

"Sure. Will you be a doll for me and get Edward's baby food from the refrigerator?" I asked her, politely and she nods. I'm so happy that she's been helpful with Edward lately. I told Harry that it'll just take time for her to adjust to him but he didn't believe me.

"Why can't Edward eat waffles like me?" Darcy asked, setting the baby jar on the table.

"Because he doesn't have all of his teeth yet so he won't be able to chew foods like big girls and boys." I explained to her as I popped her waffles into the toaster.

"So he eats soft food like my baby dolls." She said, playing with her hair.

"Yes, just like your- wait. You feed your baby dolls your brother's baby food?" I asked because I have noticed that there's been a dent in them and I don't feed it to him all the time.

"Only when I run out of my fake baby food which is always daddy's fault because he forgets to buy it all the time." She sassed.

Speaking of my darling husband, he came downstairs with a towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets on his chest, and another towel in his hand to shag his hair with.

"Good morning baby," he quickly greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "And my other babies." He walked over to Darcy and placed a kiss on her forehead then did the same with Edward.

"Good morning daddy!" Darcy squealed as he tickled her.

He then handed Edward his pacifier and made his way over to me with a smirk on his face. "You make such a sexy housewife."

I don't know what he's talking about. I'm still in my pajamas, hair's all messy, and I can never seem to stay in shape because he just loves to impregnate me.

"Yeah, I think the whole bed head thing works for me." I sarcastically rolled my eyes and took Darcy's toast from the toaster to spread butter across it. "And why are you half naked? You're gonna scar your daughter for life if that towel falls." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"She's only 3. She wouldn't even know what a peni-"

"Language! I really don't want to get her curious because if she starts asking questions, you're gonna answer them." I placed her plate in front of her then sat in my chair, facing Edward so I could feed him.

It's his first time trying pineapple, mango blend but I think he'll like it. I scoped a little bit up with his baby spoon and swerved it around like an airplane so it'll look more interesting to eat. But he just looked at me and didn't take the pacifier out of his mouth.

"Edward, open up." I said in my most kindest, baby voice I had but he whined and shook his head.

"He likes it when you feed him the bananas." Harry shrugged from behind the counter.

Harry Styles Darcy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now