Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

My mum decided to drop the kids off early today so I had to get up and go get breakfast for us while I let Y/n sleep in. I wouldn't blame her if she was wore out all day since we did practice our baby making twice last night.

"Daddy, Edward spit up on his bib." Darcy complained from the backseat. I couldn't see Edward since his car seat is faced towards the actual seat but he doesn't seem bothered.

"Well you could be a great big sister for me and take it off of him." I said, looking at her through the rear view mirror. "But gently!" I quickly add and watched her lean over to take it off.

Nandos isn't that far away but it seems to be taking forever with two hungry, whinny kids in the backseat.

"Did you have fun at grandma's house?" I tried to distract Darcy.

"Yes! We baked cupcakes, she braided my hair, and we watched movies all night." She giggled. Oh, she did have two braids in her hair... I didn't even notice.

"That sounds like fun baby. Your mummy and I watched movies too." I chuckled.

As soon as we got there I had to get Edward out of his car seat while Darcy unbuckled herself because she refused to let me help her. I didn't bring the baby carrier because Edward had an accident the last time he wore it so it's dirty. Which means I carried him in and held Darcy's hand.

"Do I have to order from the kid's menu?" Darcy looked up at me with pleading puppy dog eyes that she knows I can't resist. She has my eye color but they're so similar to Y/n's.

"If you order from the adult's menu you won't be able to finish it." Jesus, she's only 3 years old and she has an appetite like-... Well, her mum.

"But if I order from the kid's menu, I'll still be hungry." Fantastic. My baby truly is like her mother at heart. Or stomach.

"Okay, I'll let you order from the adult's menu just this once but don't tell your mum and if you don't eat it all, I'm not gonna trust you to order by yourself anymore." I playfully narrowed my eyes at her and tickled her tummy.

Then we patiently waited to be next, scanning the menu that one of the staff handed us. I ordered two breakfast burritos; one for me and one for Y/n, Darcy ended up ordering from the kid's menu after all because she saw how big the pancakes on the picture looked so she got an omelette. And Edward fell asleep peacefully in my arms while we waited for our food to go. Darcy occupied herself by coloring on the kid's menu.

Everything was running smoothly until Edward woke up and confused me with Y/n because he turned his head and tried to suck on my nipple. Apparently the scene was pretty funny because other people around started laughing and recording us.

He didn't get any milk out of me but he did get my shirt wet and a lot of people's attention.


After we got home, Y/n was still sleeping so I didn't bother to wake her up, I put on My Little Pony for Darcy and warmed up some of Edward's formula to feed him. After he ate, he fell right to sleep with no problem so I joined Darcy on the couch to watch My Little Pony.

Y/n's POV

A greasy, cheesy, bacon wrapped, egg, potato, breakfast burrito is what I woke up to. Well that and Edward baby kicking Harry's thigh to try and wake him and Darcy up. It was actually really cute.

"Good morning baby!" I giggled at my chubby cheeked 5 month old baby who got happy to see me. "How dare your daddy leave you up all by yourself." I blew a raspberry on his tummy and he squealed.

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