Healing Process

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Harry's POV

I stayed awake all night.

The nurses came in to check on her every few hours but she was still asleep.

They gave me a reclining chair but I couldn't bring myself to even think about closing my eyes for a few seconds because, what if she woke up and I was sleep. I want to be the first thing she sees when she comes to.

I charged my phone in the corner and it was blowing up from me leaving the stage in the middle of the concert. Niall texted me and said Mia would be coming later and that the kids were fine but I didn't respond.

My eyes were burning and swollen from all the crying and they looked like I haven't slept in days even though I've only been up for about 26 hours.

I continued to look at her as she slept because she looked so peaceful, completely unaware of what was happening.

She slowly began to stir in her sleep, causing me to sit up in hopes she'd finally come to.

Her fingers twitched at her sides and her eyes slowly blinked, adjusting to the bright lights.

I pressed her nurse button on the side of her bed before hurrying to her side, softly gripping her hand. "Baby," I whispered.

"Harry? W-what are you doing here? Where-"

"Shhh, it's okay. The nurse is coming, love, everything is going to be okay." I said, gently kissing her temple as she looked around the room, trying to remember how she got here.

The nurse came in and checked over everything, along with both of our mums.

"She might be a little out of it still, just keep a close eye on her but other than that, everything seems fine." The nurse said. "And I know everyone wants to see her but try not to overwhelm her, please. If you guys can maybe see her one at a time, that'd be great." She said with a soft smile as she walked over to the door.

No lady, what would be great is if my wife was still carrying both of our babies.

Neither of our mums listened as they crowded the other side of the bed.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

"Do you need anything, love, I could go get you something from the cafeteria."

"Is the vent too cold on you?"

"Do you need me to fluff your pillow?"

"Mum," I mumbled, getting both of their attention. "The nurse said not to overwhelm her, can you two please give us a moment?"

They mumbled to themselves as they walked out, saying something about bringing us up brunch from the cafeteria.

I sighed, rubbing my temple and looked down at her, seeing Y/n looking up at the ceiling with tears in her eyes.


"Harry, I'm sorry." She began, tears already rolling down her cheeks, starting my crying back up again. "I- I don't remember much but I seen blood- a lot of blood and I panicked, I failed you and our babies. I don't even feel them moving anymore, they're gone because of me. I had one job; to keep the safe and I couldn't even do that. I'm the worst mum e-"

"No, no, no. Love, this isn't your fault at all. You're the best mum in the world, Darcy and Edward agree. There was nothing you could have done to stop this." I said, gently creasing her knuckles.

"But I-.. They're gone Harry."


"They were here yesterday morning and now they're gone." She whimpered.

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