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My heart goes out to Louis and his family. Johannah was a lovely mother and I can't imagine the pain they're going through right now.

I lost my dad when I was 2 years old so I obviously don't have that much memory of him (probably like 2 or 3 memories) but losing my mom would be just terrible. I'm also sorry for any of you out there who have lost a close family member but yeah, I just want to spread the love for Louis.


I know Darcy just started school and I probably won't even have this chapter up by Christmas but it should be up between Christmas and New Years so that should make up for it.


You know the smell of Christmas? The pinecone, cinnamon, and cookie scent that just kind of floats all trough out the house. Along with the fresh tree smell that Harry suggested we get because you apparently can't have a real Christmas without a real tree.

(AN: We always use fake trees because real trees "are messy" but I thought I'd write about having a real tree even though I know nothing about it. You can imagine it's a fake one though.)

And the sight of a few early presents that we decided to put under the tree since our hiding spot for all of the other ones are full, really gets you into to the Christmas spirit.

The quiet sound of Christmas music playing from the kitchen while Harry plays baker for the day and sings along to the songs with Edward strapped to his chest in the baby carrier and Darcy decorating the pre made cookies.

I, of course, was trying to do all of the last minute cleaning I could muster before Anne and Robin came over to stay with us.

(You spent Thanksgiving with your family and visited them on December 23rd for your Christmas. Sorry! I'm only not having your family over because I don't know if you live with both parents or only one or if you live with a a grandparent, sibling, aunt, uncle, etc. so I don't feel like going into details about everything. You know what I mean?

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