Comming Soon

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           ***** 7 months later *****

The baby is due any day so I'm just at home and Harry is taking off to look after me and Darcy.

"Babe how are you?" Harry asked kissing my neck

"I'm fine thank you" I say enjoying his kiss

"Does your back hurt?" He asked me and I nod yes

Then he starts rubbing my back and whispered 'does that feel good' and I nod while closing my eyes and me and him are cuddling on the couch while Darcy is playing with her dollhouse on the floor and watching cartoons


"I'll get it" Harry says hopping up

It's Zayn (he left :'( I'm sad),Louis,Liam, & Niall.

Niall: Heyy (Y/N)

Me: Hi guys

Zayn: Darcy!!!!

Darcy: Uncle Zayn

Louis: Can I have a hug too Darcy?

Darcy: Hugs 4 everybody

Liam: How do you feel (Y/N)?

Me: Fine thxs 4 asking Liam

"We're here to take care of Darcy" Louis said hugging me

"Thank you guys really" I say with my hormones everywhere

"(Y/N) you should probably go get some rest" Liam says

"Okay I'm a little tired" I say getting up while Harry helps me

"Night night mommy" Darcy says playing with Niall

"Goodnight baby" I say walking up the stairs

Harry helps me lay down and he rubbs my belly while kissing me

"It hurts to see you in pain babe" Harry says hugging me

"It's okay it'll get better" I say closing my eyes

"We're in it together" he says smiling

"Well would you like to take your turn carrying around the big belly?" I asked smiling

"Noooo it looks too painful" he says kissing my cheek

*4:05 a.m.*

I felt pain in my stomach making me shoot up tapping Harry and he instantly sits up looking worried

"What's wrong" he asked scared

"Uh I think the baby's coming" I say nervously breath hard

"Okay calm down" "Just stay calm baby" he says getting up and getting dressed

"I am calm Harry ... HURRY UP!!" I yell making him jump and come over getting our bag and helping me up

"What's wrong I can't sleep ... And that's saying something" Zayn says half awake

"(Y/N) and I are going to the hospital so can you look after Darcy" Harry says fast and in pain because I'm squeezing his hand

"Yeah sure" Zayn says walking back to the guest room

"What's going on?" Louis and Niall say walking out of there guest room

"Baby.... Coming.... Now!!" I say breathing hard

"Well you better hurry" Liam says coming out of the room

                 ****At The Hospital****

"How is she?" Harry asked pacing in the loby while they put me in the wheelchair

"She's fine come on" The doctor says calming him down

While they push me too hospital room and Harry follows me and he puts on gear to come help me

"Push on 3 okay" "1..2..3 push" the doctor says and I push hard

"Again push" she says again and I push harder

"One more time push" and I squeeze Harry's hand and he says "Your doing great I can see the head" and I push so hard I'm sweaty and panting (xD)

"It's a boy congratulations!!" And I hear crying

Then they clean him off and hand him to me

"Awww .... He's perfect" I say smiling

"Wow.. He looks like you (Y/N)" Harry says leaning down to kiss me

"What's his name?" The doctor says smiling
"Edward... Edward James Styles" I say smiling at Harry and he smiles showing his dimples

So they get a small crib for him later and Harry sits on a chair holding him singing softly to him and I take a nap

Then around 9 a.m. the boys and Darcy comes in

"Hi can we come in?" Liam asked peeking in

"Yeah" Harry says gesturing them to come in

"Darcy do you want to hold your brother?" Harry asked her smiling

"Yes" she says walking over and sitting next to Harry and he puts him slowly in her arms

"What's his name?" Niall asked

"Edward James Styles" Harry says looking down at him sleep in Darcy's arms

Then all the boys hold him and then Harry puts him in his small cib and I wake up and greet the boys

"Mommy when are you coming home?" Darcy asked hugging me smiling

"Tomorrow trust me" I say kissing her cheek

"We'll let you rest (Y/N)" Louis says

"Okay" I say hugging them goodbye

I finally updated read more kay~Emani bye :)

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