Episode 140: Chiseled Image (Thalia)

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"Hey, Thalia! Wait for me!" Isabelle yelled.

I sighed and slowed down.

Isabelle smiled. "So, did you enjoy the sight?"

"W-what sight?" I asked, keep a hand over my face.

"Come on, don't play dumb. I saw the way you were staring at Ryan. You were checking him out, weren't you?" she asked with a grin.

I continued to avert my gaze. The image of Ryan's sweat-covered, chiseled chest and abdomen came to mind.

My face heated up all over again. He really had a nicer body than I'd imagined. N-not that such things had come to mind before... I-I assure you.

"I-I wasn't," I said. "Well, yet but not in the way you're implying."

Isabelle snickered. "Come on, you can't hide the truth from me. I know that Olivia likes Jason, Alex, Xun Lun, and Elliot. And I know that you like Ryan."

"So Olivia really likes all of those guys?"

She snickered. "So you acknowledge I'm right?"

I stepped away from her. "Not at all! You're very, very wrong. Ryan is just a friend!" I turned away. "It... would be awkward if we were ever something else."

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