Episode 120: Ancient Legend

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"Its a legend passed down among the chiefs of this Luna tribe. They speak of how this world is a guardian of another."

"A guardian?"

"That's how the ancients refer to the moons. Though it's not only because we dance around that world. Rather, there's something else. My father told me that this world once helped restore that larger world."

"R...restore? How?" I said, putting my hands on his chest. "Tell me!"

"Uh, first back away. You're a little too close," he said, looking away.

"Ah, sorry," I said, stepping back.

He sighed and looked forward. "In the ancient past they speak of a great war between the people of the stars. A war which rendered destroyed entire civilizations as they warred for possession of the 'Gigas'. That's how we refer to the 'giant moon', which I take is your world."

"Yeah," I said, nodding. "Please make this short."

"Alright, I'll try to make this as short as I can..."

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