Episode 54: Ancient Ruins (???)

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I walked into the ancient temple.

Dazzling jewels and precious metals of various kinds adorned it,

Lighting it with a surreal light.

However, they were not the reason,

For me coming to this highest of peaks.

I dusted off the freezing snow from my coat.

Taking a step further inside, I spotted an usual wall.

Adorning its center was an empty slot.

It was around the size of the golden disk in my backpack.

Sitting my backpack on the floor made out of bone, I took it out.

It truly was meant to be here. 

Raising the disk, I slammed it into the slot on the wall.

The ruins shook with tremendous force, 

Sending snow plummeting down hill and further burying the ancient town outside.

However, I stood my ground.

I laughed as the wall split into two,

Revealing itself to be a gate.

[Aspiration to the Heavens Spin-off Vol. 1] Heart of Magic (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now