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~Aaliyah's Pov~

We got to the trucks and the cars. Caught up with the rest. I couldn't go. I stopped and looked back. "Oh-ho-holy shit! Everybody hold your fire! It's Carl! Look at you! Answering the door like a big boy!" I heard Negan. Carl was at the gate. I can't leave Carl. I couldn't leave. I couldn't leave knowing that Carl would he here alone with Negan and his men. "I am so proud." I heard Negan. 

"Let's go." Daryl said opening the door to the truck. "No." I said looking at him. "Get in. Now. I'm not taking your shit right now." he said grabbing my arm. "I'm not going!" i said pulling away from him. "Yes you are." He said trying to pull me. "No." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. "Get in the damn truck!" He yelled. "I said no!" I said pulling away from him again. I wasn't leaving him alone. "Liyah-" I cut him off. "I'm not leaving without him." I said looking at him.

"He told you to leave Aaliyah. He begged you to." He said trying to convince me to get in the truck. "I don't care Daryl. Go." i said starting to make my way back to Carl. "Don't make me force you in the damn truck." He said angry. I turned around and looked at him.

"I'm not going! Don't you understand?" i asked. "No i don't." He said. "Okay. Answer one question." I said. "We don't have time for this." he said. "Then you better answer quick." I said looking at him. He looked at me. "Do you care about me?" I asked him. "Yes." He said. "Okay. Then let me go to him." I said. "no." he said. "If you care about me. You'll let me go Daryl." i said as a tear fell.

"No. You're killing yourself if you go out there." He said. "And Carl isn't? Daryl He's talking to Negan alone. How do you think that's gonna end?" I said turning around again. "Aaliyah!" He said angry. I turned around to look at him again. "I love him!" I said as another tear fell. I started catching my breath. "Let me go get him. Please." I said backing away. "you'll see me again okay? Just go." i said. "promise me." he said. I shook my head. "I can't do that. You know i can't." i said. He looked at me but didn't say anything. I ran off. Ignoring the calls that I was getting not only from him. But from the rest. "Let's go!" I said angry.

I looked back to see the trucks finally leave. I saw Explosions towards the front. "Carl!" I called out running. More explosions went off. Yeah, Daryl was right. I was killing myself for this boy.. "Carl!" I called out again. More explosions went off around me. I felt the heat all over me. The ground was shaking. In the distance i saw people throwing more grenades. Explosions going off. The houses started blowing up. They were bursting in flames. I ran away from the houses but i fell, The blast pushing me down. I hit my head on the floor but i backed away from the heat. Looking at the houses. Holding myself up with my elbows on the ground.

They're winning. Alexandria was literally burning to the ground. My ears were ringing. I felt someone's arms around me. Picking me up by my arms from behind me. "What are you doing here." The voice seemed so far away. "You can't he here!" I heard the voice clearer. I snapped out of it and got to my feet. "Why did you come back." I turned to see Carl in tears looking at me. "You shouldn't have come back Liyah." He said angry. "I wasn't gonna leave you alone." I said in tears myself. "We have to go." He said as his voice shook. We started taking off again but i noticed he was limping. He was hurt. I put his arm around my shoulders, supporting him.

"Why did you come back." He said as his voice shook. "Carl. I came back for you." I said as we walked away. "You shouldn't have." He said shaking his head and looking at me. "I don't care what you say. I'll always come back for you and i know you'd do the same thing." i said walking. Supporting him. "On the ground kids!" We heard a voice. Carl let go of me and pulled the pin to another smoke grande. Once the smoke was dark enough we turned. "Go." He said opening the cover that leads to the sewer where Siddiq was. "Go, go, go." he said helping me down. He came down and closed the lid. I climbed down and made my way to the floor.

He came down too and closed the lid. He stayed on the ladder, Holding on and looking up to make sure they were gone. We saw the two guys pass by. I looked up to Carl. "They're gone.." he said still looking up. He made his way down slowly and i helped him down to the floor. "It's bad is it?" We saw Siddiq sitting down. "Yeah. The rest are coming back in a while if they stick to the plan.." Carl said as we reached the end of the tunnel.

"stop- i can't anymore." Carl said wincing. I helped him down and leaned him down against the wall. "Are you okay..? You don't- look so good." i said noticing that he was sweating a lot. "no.." he said closing his eyes. "What happened to your leg?" i asked bending down and putting a hand on his leg. "How bad is it?" I asked looking at his leg then back at him. "It's not my leg.." he said. "It clearly is. Did you fall? What happened?" I asked looking at him. "Aaliyah- It's not my leg." He said looking at me as tears fell.

I furrowed my eyebrows, Looking at him confused. "What are you talking about.?" i asked scared. My heart never stopped racing. He looked at me nervous with a look i've never seen before. "I'm sorry..." he said as his voice cracked. More tears fell. He was crying. "Carl.. You're scaring me.." i said softly looking at him. He swallowed the lump his throat. "I- I got bit.." He said as another tear fell. I looked at him confused. Reading his features. I blinked a few times making a few more tears fell. "W-what?" i whispered in shock as i looked at him. He nodded.

"I got bit." He said again as his voice cracked. "No." I said shaking my head. I kept looking at him. "No. You're lying." I said looking at him.  He shook his head looking at me. "I'm sorry," he said looking at me. "no." I said again shaking my head. I looked away from him. "No- no. No." I said not wanting to believe it. "Please- Liyah." he said crying putting his hands on my cheeks, making me look at him.  He held my face, Both of us crying at this point. "N-no. No." i said shaking my head as a sob left my mouth. "Aaliyah." He said as a tear fell. "Carl.." I said as my voice cracked. He looked at me. The look on his face, He looked broken.

"I'm sorry." he said as his voice cracked once again, more tears fell. He lifted up his shirt and i saw a white gauze pad, but with no blood on it. He looked at me but i looked at the patch in scared. He slowly reached out and pulled it down to reveal a bite mark. I let out a breath and looked at the bite in shock. I felt my heart shatter immediately. My mouth fell open slightly. I tried catching my breath, He kept looking at me sadly, he was hurt too. He didn't want to die. No one wanted to die like this.. 

It's like i forgot how to breathe... Another tear fell. I shook my head. "No." I said shaking my head. He covered it up. "Carl- Carl no." I said looking at him. He nodded. "Come here." he said crying and reaching out to me. I hugged him. Siddiq was looking at us in shock.. "It's okay.." he said as his voice cracked. He held me close to him. I shook my head. 

 "Why didn't you tell me Carl? Why didn't you tell me.?" I asked crying on his shoulder. "I didn't want to see you like this- But i can't do anything about it." he said crying against my shoulder. I held him close to me, he did the same. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you. Or anyone." he said. More tears fell and a sob escaped my mouth. "I love you so much." He said. Holding me. "I love you." i said crying. 

Is this really happening? Am i really losing the person i love the most.?

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