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~Aaliyah's Pov~

Negan swung his bat and took his first hit at Abraham. My mouth fell open slightly as Abraham fell to the floor. A tear fell from my eyes. He got back up on his knees, His head already bleeding, blood running down his head. "Oh!" Negan laughed. "look at that! Taking it like a champ!" he said looking at him. "Suck, My, Nuts." Abraham said looking at Negan. 

He took another swing, then another, then another. I looked away. "Did you hear that? He said "Suck my nuts!" " Negan said laughing and took more hits to Abraham even though he was already dead. He kept going for a few hits then he stopped. 

 All we could hear now was the sobbing from people in the group. Abraham's head was no longer there. Just blood. Bones and skin. He laughed and backed away from Abraham. He laughed and looked at the bat covered in Abraham's blood. I looked at Daryl scared as another tear fell. "Oh my goodness! Look at this!" Negan said laughing and swirling his bat. Some of the blood landing on Ricks face. I looked away from Daryl.

"You guys! Look at my dirty girl!" Negan said looking at the bat covered in Abraham's blood. He walked up to Rosita. "Sweetheart. Lay your eyes on this." He said holding the bat inches away from her face. She was in shock. We all were. She didn't say anything. "Oh damn.. Were- Were you two together?" He asked pointing the bat at Abraham's body.

"That sucks. But if you were, you should know. There was a reason for all of this." Negan said looking at Rosita. "Red- Hell. He was, Is and always will be red. He just took one for the team. Maybe even six or seven for the team! So take. A damn. Look." He said as blood dripped from the bat in front of her. She didn't look at all. She kept crying. 

"Take a damn look!" He yelled at her. Daryl stood up and punched Negan. "Daryl!" I said crying. I stopped myself from getting up. I covered my mouth as I saw my brother being pinned to the ground by more of Negan's people. My heart was racing. "NO!" Negan said pointing the bat at Daryl on the floor. More tears fell from my eyes. I looked at Negan scared. "Don't." I said looking at him. He looked at me angry. "Don't hurt him." I said looking him dead in the eyes. He saw the look in my eyes. He smiled and looked back down to Daryl. 

"Oh no!" He said and laughed. It ached. It felt like i couldn't breathe. Negan looked at Daryl. "That. Oh my! That is a no no." He said bending down and looking at Daryl. "The whole thing! Not one bit of this Shit fly's here!" He said. Rick looked over to me but i didn't look at him. I wanted to cry out. My brother could die here and I can't do anything about it.

Dwight came over with Daryl's Crossbow and aimed it at him. My vision was blurry from the tears. "You want me to do it? Right here." He said pointing the crossbow at him. Negan pulled Daryl's hair back. He looked at me and smiled. I kept looking at him. "No." He said letting go and looking back at Dwight.. "No you don't kill them. Not until you try a little." He said. They pulled Daryl away and took him back to his spot. 

"Anyway. That's not how it works. Now I already told you people. First ones free; then what'd I say. I would shut that shit down. No acceptations!" He yelled looking at us. "Now i don't know what kind of lying assholes you've been dealing with. But I'm a man of my word" He said smiling. Another tear fell from my eyes. 

"First Impressions are important. I need you. To know me. So.." There was a pause. "Back to it." He said and swung his bat hitting Glenn. I felt my heart break. "No!" Maggie cried. I looked at him and my mind clicked. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to react. It was like my ind just shut off. I didn't know how to process this. I looked at him in shock and fell over. I felt dizzy. I didn't know what to do. I was in shock. he took two hits to Glenn. I looked at him in shock and fell a bit more. I was sitting now. I wan't on my knees. 

I felt a pain in my chest that i've never felt before and i didn't know how to deal with it. Carl looked over and he saw that i was in shock. I kept looking at Glenn. Everything faded away. More tears fell and i snapped out of it i tried catching my breath. My chest felt like it was being pushed down on and i couldn't breathe. More tears fell from my eyes. He sat up. 

His eye was sticking out. I sobbed out and backed away a bit. "Buddy are you still there?" Negan asked. I tried catching my breath but each time i tried to it kept getting harder and harder. "I don't know! It seems like you're trying to speak. But you just took a hell of a hit! I just popped your skull so hard you're eyeball just popped out and it is gross as shit!" He said looking at Glenn. I covered my mouth as more tears fell. "no- no." i cried. 

"M-maggie. I'll f-find you" Glenn said. "Oh. Aw hell. I can see this is hard on you guys. I am sorry. I truly am. But i did say it." He said and he took a swing. "No exceptions!" He said and Glenn fell to the floor twitching. He kept on taking hits. I backed away a bit more. "You bunch of Pussies. I'm just getting started." Negan said as more blood fell from his bat.

"Lucille is thirsty! She is a vampire bat!" He said laughing. I chunk of flesh hanging from the bat. Negan walked over to Rick smiling. This man was evil. "What? Was the joke that bad?" He asked looking at Rick.

A sob escaped my mouth and i kept looking at Glenn on the floor. He was dead. Abraham is dead.. 

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